Freefall 0645
Meet the kids
The simplest way to align my feelings with how I know I should feel about the captain is to eat with him.
I'd better cook for this. I know Sam's diet is wider than mine, but I don't know enough about him to try a human dish yet.
Humans have some good cookbooks, but one has to be careful about using recipes from a species that can thrive on okra and marshmallow peanuts.
Про маршмэллоу я писал, okra – бамия, гомбо, окра (однолетнее растение семейства мальвовых; лат. Abelmoschus esculentus) – плоды африканского происхождения, употребляются в пищу как овощи, добавляются в супы и соусы.