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Freefall 0215

Trip to “The Golden Trough”, the finest in bad cuisine

How does a superconductor work?
Oh, it's really simple.
Electrons are half integer spin particles. In a superconductor, you get a pair of electrons to act as a single particle with integer spin properties. This electron pair now operates by the Bose-Einstein statistical model instead of the Fermi-Dirac statistical model and is no longer affected by the exclusion principle.
I learned something new. Any time Florence says “It's really simple”, I'm not going to understand a word of it.

Particles with integer spin (bosons) are described by Bose-Einstein statistics, while those with fractional spin (fermions)  – Fermi-Dirac statistics. Also one of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, Pauli principle (exclusion principle) describes the behavior of fermions
Gadget didn't get that far :3 (Robot Spike)

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