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GaMERCaT 0274
Digital Daze

[!0.92]Gamercat! Where have you been?
[!0.82]I'm not sure. Ever feel like your life has been on pause?
[!0.6]Like a video game?
[!0.78]Yeah, like you stopped playing for a while and when you load your save file you don't recognize any of it anymore!
[!0.78]Can't remember how the controls work?
[!0.78]And where did I even leave of in the story?
[!0.78]That's what happens, if you ignore something for so long.
[!0.8]I wonder, when this happened!
[!0.78]Looks like 5 months ago when you reinstalled minecraft.
Not gonna lie, I got into Minecraft hard during my hiatus. Sometimes I had no idea where the days went and it was a little disorienting!