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Freefall 1476

Sawtooth erwacht

I need to get back to my ship. Will I see you here next week?
I'll be here. Though we may see each other sooner if the world needs a first class set of detectives. Perhaps I'll become an investigator when I get tired of terraforming.
I'll talk to Dvorak about something to selectively disable my communications. I can't truly claim to be a private eye as long as my video feeds are public access.

Vikings 1 and 2 landed in 1976, B1 -on an ancient lava flow, B2 -about 5 thousand km from B1 6 weeks later. Orbital support and rovers took more than 55,000 photographs. Over the next 4 years, more than 4 million reports of weather on the surface of Mars were transmitted to Earth

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