Alte Revision

Spielplatz place02

#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8

# iolate.rb:
#   Version 2.01.09
# Extract the translateable text from 
# the dokwiki-file cpage.dkw to the Textfile 
# transfertext.utf8 and after translation
# reinsert it
#  Copyright  07.02.2022
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.
# == syntax 
# iolate.rb [-i inputfilename] 
#           [-o throughputfilename] 
#           [-c separation character]
#           [-k]
#           [-v] 
#           [-h] 
# -i 
#  name of the file in dokuwiki-syntax. If none is given, 
#  cpage.dkw is assumed
# -o 
#  Name of the text file which contains the text in dokuwiki-syntax.
#  If none is given transfertext.utf8 is assumed
# -c 
#  Character to seperate languages in transfertext.utf8
#  from oneanother. The default is ~. You may need this option,
#  if a ~ is naturally occuring in the text
# -k
#  Keep tags in the outputfile transfertext.utf8
# -v
#  verbose
# -h
#  show help

# == file formats
# cpage.dkw
# has to be formated according to
# Only the text in text boxes between the the first tag pair
# {{cotan>...}} ... {{<cotan}} is extractet into transfertext.utf8,
# text boxes  before or after this are left unchanged
# The first ... here represents a Filename which must not contain }}  
# The second ... represents the string which is searched for translateable text
# which must not itself contain {{<cotan}}.
# Only text in textboxs is extraxted i.e. the line before the text must
# start with an @ wich is followed by at least four 
# comma seperated integeres, e.g. @37,25,419,112 
# After the text there has to be a line containing exactly one ~ character
# at the start of the line, marking the end of the texbox
# The following holds true für the translated file  cpage.dkw
# All <...> tags are removed from the result of the second run 
# All [...] tags which are not at the start of the first line, 
#           are removed from the result of the second run
# All -. are removed
# All linefeeds and carriage returns are removed
# The removing of <...> and [...] tags can be suppressed with -k
# This file is than also used as output to store the data
# between passes in yaml format.  
# cpages.yaml
# stores all the data of the file cpages.dkw except for the text which 
# has to be translated
# transfertext.utf8
# In the extracted text all text from one textbox is concatenatet into 
# one line, seperated by a space. The text of all textboxes 
# is concatenated seperated by one LF character per box.
# This output file is used as input in the second pass.
# The translated text has to concur to the same specification
# in order to be used for the construction of cpages1.dkw
# cpages1.dkw
# The recreated file containing the markup from  cpage.dkw and the text
# from transfertext.utf8

# == usage in context
# 0. It is assumed that you have the curent version of 
#    the ruby interpreter installed as well as the gems 
#    listed under "dependecies". Copy this script into 
#    a directory on your computer. All further file handling
#    is assumed to take place there
# 1. copy the content of the strip you want to translate 
#    or at least {{cotan>...}}, {{<cotan}} and what is between them 
#    into the file called cpage.dkw in the directory where
#    the executable file iolate.rb is located
# 2. execute, e.g call ruby iolate.rb
# 3. open the file transfertext.utf8 and copy its contense 
#    into the input field of a translation service or programm
#    like or
# 4. translate
# 5. overcopy the text in transfertext.utf8 with 
#    the translation and save the file
# 5. execute iolate.rb again
# 6. cpages1.dkw should now contain the translation

# == todo
# 1. add a loop and REST-api combatibility 
#    to this script, to translate whole comics at once

# == constants
NEWLINECHAR = "\n" # EOL standard char to indicate end of line
SYSLIMITFILENAME = 255 # maximal length of a file name for ext4
# one of these letters after a ~ gives an outputfilename with the corresponding language name
COUNTRYLETTERS = [ ["b", "Brazilian"], ["l", "Bulgarian"], ["c", "Chinese"], ["d", "Danish"], ["f", "French"], ["g", "German"], ["h", "Hungarian"], ["p", "Portuguese"], ["j", "Japanese"], ["r", "Russian"], ["s", "Spanish"], ["t", "Turkish"], ["u", "Finnish"] ]
DEFAULTLANGUAGELETTER = "g" # translations without an indicating letter are considered German

# == dependecies

# class for handling filenames, pathnames, etc. 
  require 'pathname' 
rescue Exception
  STDERR.puts "warnung: require of pathname failed." 

# class for parsing commandline options
  require 'optparse' 
rescue Exception
  STDERR.puts "warnung: require of optparse failed." 
  # exit 1 # nonfatal if no options are given, so cross your fingers

# class for serialization
  require 'yaml' 
rescue Exception
  STDERR.puts "warnung: require of yaml failed." 
  exit 1

# == methods
# to keep in line with a functional approch which might be easier 
# to port to javascript with opal, we make no use of oo,
# but use the methods of this object as functions

# remove everything between sBeginChar 
# und sEndChar including those characters
# allover sStr and return sStr
def removebetween(sStr, sBeginChar="<", sEndChar=">")
  iBegin = sStr.index(sBeginChar)
  while not iBegin.nil?
     iEnd =  sStr.index(sEndChar, iBegin + 1)
     if iEnd.nil?
       return sStr 
       sStr.slice!(iBegin, iEnd - iBegin + 1)
       iBegin = sStr.index(sBeginChar)
return sStr 

# returns true if a string represents an integer
def is_i?(sMayBeInteger)
  /\A[-+]?\d+\z/ === sMayBeInteger

def is_number? string
  true if Float(string) rescue false

# returns true, if the string sLine is the first line of a text or mask box
def isBoxStart(sLine)
  unless sLine.start_with? "@" # has to start with @
    return false
  asLine = sLine[1...-1].rstrip.split "," # get rid of the @ and slit the rest of the line into coordinates, if it is a box
  unless asLine.length > 3 # al leas four coordinates
    return false
  unless is_number?(asLine[0]) # each coordinate has to be a float, testing the first
    return false
  unless is_number?(asLine[1]) # each coordinate has to be a float, testing the second
    return false
  unless is_number?(asLine[2]) # each coordinate has to be a float, testing the third
    return false
  unless is_number?(asLine[3][0]) # TODO not a complete test jet, some non textboxes might fulfill this and slip through
    return false
  return true

# returns true, if the string sLine is the first line of a text box
def isTextBoxStart(sLine, sNextLine)
  unless sNextLine.nil? # there is something ahead, i.e. a second line
    if isBoxStart(sLine)
      unless sNextLine.chr == "#" # no mask 
        return true
  return false

# splits a filename into extension and the part before
# unlike File.extname the dot is returned as part of the extension
def splitbasename(sFilename)
  iDotPos = sFilename.rindex(".")
  aF =
  if iDotPos.nil?
    aF << sFilename
    aF << ""
    aF << sFilename[0...iDotPos]
    aF << sFilename[iDotPos..-1]
  return aF

# shortens the basename, until it is of legal length
def shortentolegallength(sFilename)
  exit 1 # not your usual file system
aFilename = File.split(sFilename) # 
il = aFilename[1].length
aB = splitbasename(aFilename[1]) # field of two elements for the extension and the stuff before it
if il > SYSLIMITFILENAME # to long
  if aB[0].length > iDif # we want to keep at least one letter, to avoid producing dot files
    aB[0] = aB[0...-iDif]
    iresttocut = iDif - aB[0].length + 1
    aB[0] = aB[0].chr # keep one letter
    aB[1] = aB[0...-iresttocut] # additionally shorten the extension
return aFilename[0] + File::SEPARATOR + aB[0] + aB[1]

# gives the name of a language given by a letter
def languagefromletter(slchar)
  ael = {|schar| schar[0] == slchar } 
  if ael.nil?
    return nil
#puts ael[0][1].inspect # DEBUG
    return ael[0][1]

# gives the phrase memory of a language given by a letter
def phrasememoryfromletter(slchar, asPhrasesTT)
  slanguage = languagefromletter(slchar)
  if slanguage.nil?
    return nill
    return phrasememoryfromname(slanguage, asPhrasesTT)

# gives the phrase memory of a language given by the language's name in english
def phrasememoryfromname(slanguage, asPhrasesTT)
  slPhrases = { |slPhr| slanguage == slPhr[0] }
  return slPhrases[0]

# == main
# For phrases wich are always translated, eg. headers
# the translation can be provided in the DATA-section at the end of this file
asPhrasesToTranslate = { |sla| [ sla[1] ] } # an array with an array for each language, containing as its only element the name of the lamguage 
sOrig = "" # outside of the loop to be persistent between runs
DATA.each_line do |sDATAline| #read those phrases fro, the DATA
  sLangChar = sDATAline.chr
  if sLangChar == "=" # origin's language, englisch
    sOrig = sDATAline[2..-2] # skip firt two characters and the last
    ap = phrasememoryfromletter(sLangChar, asPhrasesToTranslate)
#puts ap.inspect  
    if not ap.nil?
      ap << [sOrig, sDATAline[2..-2]]

options = {:verbose => nil, :dokuinfilename => "cpage.dkw", :textoutputfilename => "transfertext.utf8", :sepcharacter => "~", :fkeep => false} # default values go here
opt_parser = do |opts|
  opts.banner = "Usage: ocr-latest-png.rb [-i dokuinfilename] [-o textoutputfilename] [-c separationcharacter] [-k] [-v] [-h]" 
  opts.on("-i filename", "--inputfile", "name of the dokuwiki file from which to extract translateable text. The default is cpages.dkw.") do |anopt|
    options[:dokuinfilename] = anopt
  opts.on("-o filename", "--outputtext", "name of the text file to which translateable text is written. The default istransfertext.utf8.") do |anopt|
    options[:textoutputfilename] = anopt
  opts.on("-c separationcharacter", "--separationcharacter", "the charcter used to seperate different languages in transfertext.utf8. The default is ~.") do |anopt|
    options[:sepcharacter] = anopt
    opts.on("-k filename", "--keeptags", "do not atempt to delete all tags. Default is .") do |anopt|
    options[:fkeep] = anopt
  opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose", "show comments") do |anopt| 
    options[:verbose] = anopt
  opts.on("-h", "--help", "show this help.") do
    puts opts
rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption
  puts "\nunknown option"
  puts "in line" + __LINE__ # the current line number in the source file.
  puts $! # error message
  puts $@ # error position
# set verbosity flag
if ! options[:verbose].nil?
  $ivc = 0
  $ivc = 1 
sDokuwikifile = "cpage.dkw" # default name
if options[:dokuinfilename].nil? # should be impossible, but well ...
  puts "after the -i option there needs to be a filename" if $ivc > 0
  exit 1
  sDokuwikifile = options[:dokuinfilename]
sTransferfile = "transfertext.utf8"
if options[:textoutputfilename].nil? # also impossible
  puts "after the -o option there needs to be a filename" if $ivc > 0
  exit 1
  sTransferfile = options[:textoutputfilename]
sSepChar = "~"
if options[:sepcharacter].nil? # also impossible
  puts "after the -c option there needs to be a separation character for the different languages" if $ivc > 0
  exit 1
  sSepChar = options[:sepcharacter]
fkeep = options[:fkeep]
bInCotan = false # flag
bInTextbox = false # flag
iNrTextboxes = 0 # the total number of textboxes which were red
asPageAsLines = # the markup pieces of the file are collected here 
aiTextLineNumbersInPage = # the line numbers of the text box lines in the page
asTextLines = # the text lines from the text boxes, one element per textbox contains all the lines from this textbox
asTextboxTags = # the tags at the start of a text line
unless File.exists? sTransferfile # if true, we are pre translation, otherwise post translation
  if File.exists? sDokuwikifile
    file =, "r")
    STDERR.puts "Dokuwiki file " + sDokuwikifile + " could not be found. Maybe you have to use the option -i to make the correct name known."  
    exit 1
  aText = "\n"
  sTextBoxText = # string to collect all the text from a textbox in
  aText.each_index { |iline|
    sline = aText[iline]
    if bInCotan # starting to search for textboxes
      if sline.include? "{{<cotan}}" # stop searching for textboxes, if you're out of the cotan block
        bInCotan = false 
        asPageAsLines << sline unless bInCotan # hand cotan block's tail through 
        if bInTextbox
	      if sline.strip == "~".chr # this is the way a textbox ends, not with a !, but with a ~
	        asTextLines << sTextBoxText # all the txt from the text box has been collected and can now be stored as one line
            sTextBoxText = # reset to empty
	        asPageAsLines << "" # store an empty line, because the text goes to asTextLine
            asPageAsLines << sline #lines before and after a textbox, including the textbox's head and tail are just handed through 
	        bInTextbox = false
	        if sTextBoxText.empty? # this is the first non empty text box line
              if sline.chr == "[" # text line starts with a tag
                while sline.chr == "[" # a tag is still at the start of the line
                  iClose = sline.index "]"
                  if iClose == -1 # no closing parenthesis found
                    break # the rest of the line is supposed to contain the text
                    asTextboxTags[iNrTextboxes - 1] += sline[0..iClose] # save the tag by appending it to previous tags in the same line
                    sline = sline[iClose + 1 .. -1] # remove the tag from the line
                end # next tag 
              end # all starting tags removed
	        end # the starting tags in non first text box lines in textboxes are not saved
	        unless fkeep # remove other tags unless blocked
	          removebetween sline
	          removebetween sline, "[", "]"
	        if ! sTextBoxText.empty? # if the text has various lines concatenate them all sepereted by a blank
	          sTextBoxText += " "
	        sTextBoxText += sline + "\n"
        else # not in a Textbox
          asPageAsLines << sline #lines before and after a textbox, including the textbox's head and tail are just handed through 
	      if isTextBoxStart(sline, aText[iline + 1]) # a textbox starts with this line, but also a mask
		    aiTextLineNumbersInPage << asPageAsLines.length - 1 # the line number in the output file where the text belongs.
	        asTextboxTags << "" # initialize tag memory for this textbox
	        iNrTextboxes += 1 # keep, count of the textboxes	        
	        bInTextbox = true
      asPageAsLines << sline # lines before and after the cotan block, including the cotan block's head and tail are just handed through 
      bInCotan = sline[0..7] == "{{cotan>"
  } # next line of the dokuwiki file
  # collect all information for the second pass in an array 
  oSerializedData =
  oSerializedData << fkeep
  oSerializedData << iNrTextboxes
  oSerializedData << asPageAsLines 
  oSerializedData << aiTextLineNumbersInPage
  oSerializedData << asTextboxTags
  # oSerializedData << asTextLines
  # write intermediate file for second pass, using the original dokuwiki file name with a yaml extension
  iDotPos = sDokuwikifile.rindex "."
  iDotPos = sDokuwikifile.length if iDotPos.nil?
  sYamlFile =".yaml"), "w") do |file|
    file.puts YAML::dump(oSerializedData)
  # write textfile to be translated, "w") { |file|
    asTextLines.each { |s|
      file.write s
else # post translation
  sYamlFile =".yaml") # name of the yaml file reconstructed
  oSerializedData =
  oSerializedData = YAML.load_file(sYamlFile) # 
  fkeep = oSerializedData[0] # Flag indicating if HTML-mark up is to be kept
  iNrTextboxes = oSerializedData[1] # the number of txtboxes should equal the lines of translated text
  asPageAsLines  = oSerializedData[2]
  aiTextLineNumbersInPage = oSerializedData[3]
  asTextboxTags = oSerializedData[4] # [...]-style mark up at the beginning of a textbox, if there is one
  # load translated text
  if File.exists? sTransferfile
    file =, "r") # load all translations
    STDERR.puts "Transfer file " + sTransferfile + " could not be found. Maybe you have to use the option -o to make the correct name known."  
    exit 1
  asAllTranslatedText = sSepChar # various languages are seperated by a sSepChar wich by default is a ~ and optionally an additional letter to indicate the language
  sLanguage = # holds the language of the second and following translations
  asAllTranslatedText.each_index { |iOneLanguage| # one language at a time, by number 
    asTranslatedText = # contains one translation as an Array  
    sOneLanguage = asAllTranslatedText[iOneLanguage] # the translated text of this language in one string wih linebraks 
    asTranslatedText = sOneLanguage.split "\n" # get the lines for this languge
    if iOneLanguage > 0 # more than one language according to the number of subfiles. Starting with the second language there's the possibilty that there is a letter indicating a language after the ~
      sFirstLine = asTranslatedText[0][0] # the separation character e.g. ~, was already removed, so this is second  character in the original line
      if sFirstLine.empty? # no language identifying letter or language given
         # sLanguage = "" # stays empty
      else # an additional character can indicate a languge
         allLangs = { |sl| # search through all letters indicating countries 
           fReturn = false
           sFirstLine.each_char { |sChar| # search through all chars in the string, which should be one
             if sl[0].upcase == sChar.upcase
               fReturn = true
           fReturn # returns tue if the corresponding language indicating letter was found in the first line
         allLangs.each_index { |iL|
           if iL == 0 
             sLanguage = allLangs[0][1]
             sLanguage = sLanguage + "-" + allLangs[iL][1]
      end # we now have a language string which contains all languages of the translation, which was overly complicated, because we restricted the line to one charcter indicating a language and therefore to one language
      asTranslatedText.shift # remove the first line of this languge's block, as it does not contain translated text
    end # end of the search for the name of the language 
    if asTranslatedText.length != iNrTextboxes # regardless of language every translation has to have the same number of lines
      if $ivc > 0
        unless sLanguage == ""
          STDERR.puts "warning for language " + sLanguage  
        STDERR.puts "warning: the number of textboxes " + iNrTextboxes.to_s + " does not equal the number of translated strings " + asTranslatedText.length.to_s + "."  
    # get the translateable phrases for this language
    if sLanguage.empty?
      sdefLang = languagefromletter(DEFAULTLANGUAGELETTER) # use the default language if non given
      if sdefLang.nil? 
        asPhrasesForLanguage = # empty array
        asPhrasesForLanguage = { |asa| asa[0] == sdefLang }
    else # use the language indicated in the seperator line
      asPhrasesForLanguage = { |asa| asa[0] == sLanguage } # make translation
    asPhrasesForLanguage = asPhrasesForLanguage[0] unless asPhrasesForLanguage.empty? # TODO why is this a three times array?
    sOutputtext = # collect the new dokuwiki-file to be written in ths variable
    # iTextBoxCur = 0
    asPageAsLines.each_index { |iline| # go through all the lines of the dokuwiki source page by their number
      iTextBoxCur = aiTextLineNumbersInPage.find_index(iline - 1) # do a lookup, whether this line's number is in the table of translateable lines
      if iTextBoxCur.nil? # do we have no translation for this line?
        sPL = asPageAsLines[iline] # no translation, so take the line as handed down from the original
          unless asPhrasesForLanguage.empty? # but if we have phrases for this language .,.
            asPhrasesForLanguage.each { |colmem| # ... go through all the phrases to see, if part of this line can be translated this way
              if colmem.class.to_s == "Array" # there has to be an original and a translated text in this element of the phrases collection, i.e. it has to be an array
                 sPL = sPL.gsub(colmem[0],colmem[1]) # translate
        sOutputtext = sOutputtext + sPL + "\n" # this line gets handed through unchanged
      else # there is a translation for this line which we take from the sTransferfile
        if asTranslatedText[iTextBoxCur].nil? # catch out of array error, if there are too few lines of translated text
          unless sLanguage == ""
           STDERR.puts "warning for language " + sLanguage  
          STDERR.puts " no textbox found for " + iTextBoxCur.to_s + " Too few lines of translated text"
          exit 1           
          sOutputtext = sOutputtext  + asTextboxTags[iTextBoxCur] + asTranslatedText[iTextBoxCur] + "\n"
        # iTextBoxCur += 1
    # remove trailing empty lines
    while sOutputtext[sOutputtext.length - 1] == "\n"
    # construct a name for the output file by inserting the number of the translation and the language before the extension dot
    iDotPos = sDokuwikifile.rindex "."
    iDotPos = sDokuwikifile.length if iDotPos.nil?
    if iDotPos != sDokuwikifile.length # insert language name before dot
      sOutputfile = shortentolegallength( sDokuwikifile[0..iDotPos-1] + "-" + iOneLanguage.to_s + "-" + sLanguage + sDokuwikifile[iDotPos..-1] )
    else # add shortend language name, because if the file is without extension, we assume that length is expansive
      sOutputfile = shortentolegallength( sDokuwikifile + iOneLanguage.to_s + sLanguage[0..2] )
    # write final output, "w") do |file|
      file.puts sOutputtext
  } # this translation is finished, go to the next  
  File.delete sTransferfile # cleaning up
  # File.delete sYamlFile # cleaning up
# The following DATA-section provides how 
# to translate certain phrases. A = denotes
# the phrase in the original language, 
# which is english in the following examples
= Color by George Peterson
b Cor por George Peterson
c 乔治-彼得森的色彩
d Farve af George Peterson
f Couleur par George Peterson
g Farbe von George Peterson
h Színezd George Peterson
l Цвят от George Peterson
j カラー:ジョージ・ピーターソン
p Cor por George Peterson
r Цвет по Джорджу Петерсону
s Color de George Peterson
u Väri George Peterson
= Cameo by 
b Cameo por
c 伪装者
d Cameo af 
f Cameo par 
g Cameo von 
h Cameo a 
l Камео от
j カメラマン
p Cameo por
r В ролях 
s Cameo de  
u Cameo 
= Provisional Title: Return to the Station
b Título provisório: Retorno à Estação Espacial
c 临时标题。返回空间站
d Foreløbig titel: Tilbage til rumstationen 
f Titre provisoire : Retour à la station
g Vorläufiger Titel: Rückkehr zur Station
h Ideiglenes cím: Visszatérés az állomásra 
l Временно заглавие: Завръщане на гарата
j 仮のタイトル 宇宙ステーションへの帰還
p Título provisório: Regresso à Estação
r Предварительное название: Возвращение на станцию 
s Título provisional: Regreso a la estación  
u Väliaikainen nimi: Avaruusasemalle paluu 
= How to catch a deer. Sort of
b Caçador de cervos, por assim dizer
c 可以这么说,猎鹿人
d Hjortejæger, så at sige
f Cerbère pour ainsi dire
g Hirschfängerin sozusagen
h Szarvasvadász, hogy úgy mondjam
l Ловец на елени, така да се каже
p Caçador de veados, por assim dizer
j ディアハンター
r «Как поймать оленя» в картинках
s Cazador de ciervos, por así decirlo
u Hirvenmetsästäjä, niin sanoakseni
= Florence gets the sticky notes of doom
b Florença recebe as notas pegajosas da desgraça
c 佛罗伦萨得到厄运的贴纸
d Florence får de uheldige sedler
f Florence obtient les notes autocollantes de la malédiction
g Florence bekommt die Klebezettel der Vernichtung
h Florence megkapja a végzet öntapadós jegyzeteit
l Флоренция получава самозалепващите се бележки на съдбата
j 運命の付箋を手にするフローレンス
p Florença recebe as notas pegajosas da desgraça
r Флоренция получает липкие записки судьбы
s Florence recibe las notas adhesivas de la destrucción
u Florence saa tuomion muistilaput
= Day of the dead
b Dia dos mortos
c 死者之日
d De dødes dag
f Le jour des morts
g Totentag
h A halottak napja
l Ден на мъртвите
p Dia dos mortos
j デイ・オブ・ザ・デッド
s Día de los muertos
u Kuolleiden päivä
= Off to see Mr. Raibert
b Fora para ver o Sr. Raibert
c 去见Raibert先生
d På vej til hr. Raibert
f Je vais voir M. Raibert
g Unterwegs zum Treffen mit Herrn Raibert
h Elmegyek Raibert úrhoz
l Отивам при г-н Райберт
p Fora para ver o Sr. Raibert
j ライバート氏に会いに行く
r Пошел к мистеру Райберту
s Vamos a ver al Sr. Raibert
u Menossa tapaamaan herra Raibertia
= Dumpster diving for wolves
b Mergulho em lixeiras para lobos
c 垃圾箱中的狼群
d Dumpster diving for ulve
f Plonger dans les poubelles pour trouver des loups
g Containernde Wölfe
h Szemétbúvárkodás farkasokért
l Търсене на вълци в кофите за боклук
p Mergulho em contentores de lixo para lobos
j オオカミのダンプカー・ダイビング
r Погружение в мусорный контейнер в поисках волков
s Búsqueda de lobos en el contenedor
u Roskasukellus susien löytämiseksi
= Off to see the Mayor
b Vamos até o prefeito
c 让我们去找市长
d Lad os gå til borgmesteren
f En route pour la mairesse
g Auf zur Bürgermeisterin
h Menjünk a polgármesterhez
l На посещение при кмета
p Vamos até ao presidente da câmara
j 市長のところへ行こう
r Давайте обратимся к мэру
s Vamos a ver a la alcaldesa
u Mennään pormestarin luo
= Breaking and entering for fun and profit
g Einbruch und Raubzüge bringen Spaß und Geld
l Влизане с взлом за забавление и печалба
r Проникновение с приколом
s Los robos y asaltos aportan diversión y dinero
= A secret meeting and Sawtooth's birthday
g Ein geheimes Treffen und Sawtooths Geburtstag
l Тайна среща и рожден ден на Sawtooth
r Секретная встреча на дне рождения Пилозуба
= Spiking the servers
b Espicaçando os servidores
c 加注服务器
d Spiking af serverne
f Piquez les serveurs
g Die Server spicken
h A szerverek felturbózása
l Спийкване на сървърите
p Espicaçar os servidores
j サーバーへのスパイク
r «Прокалывание» серверов
s サーバーへのスパイク
u Palvelimien piikittäminen
= Edge reactivates Blunt
b Edge reativa o Blunt
c 边缘重新激活钝器
d Edge genaktiverer Blunt
f Edge réactive Blunt
g Edge reaktiviert Blunt
h Edge újra aktiválja Blunt
l Edge активира отново Blunt
p Edge reactiva o Blunt
j エッジがブラントを再活性化
r Эдж перезапускает Железяку
s Edge reactiva Blunt
u Edge aktivoi Bluntin uudelleen
= Robot chases wolf
b robô persegue lobo
c 机器人追赶狼
d robot jagter ulv
f un robot chasse le loup
g Roboter jagt Wolf
h robot üldözi a farkast
l Робот преследва вълк
p robô persegue lobo
j ロボットが狼を追う
r Робот гонится за волком
s el robot persigue al lobo
u robotti jahtaa sutta
= Into the Ecosystems Unlimited compound
b Dentro do composto Ecosystems Unlimited
c 进入生态系统的无限复合
d Ind i Ecosystems Unlimited-forbindelsen
f Dans l'enceinte d'Ecosystems Unlimited
g Aufs Ecosystems Unlimited Firmengelände
h Az Ecosystems Unlimited vegyületbe
l В състава на Ecosystems Unlimited
p Dentro do composto Ecosystems Unlimited
j エコシステムズ・アンリミテッドの化合物の中へ
r Внутри «Экосистемс Анлимитед»
s En el recinto de Ecosystems Unlimited
u Ecosystems Unlimited -yhdisteeseen
= Clippy discovers his plan has failed
b Clippy descobre que seu plano falhou
c Clippy发现他的计划失败了
d Clippy opdager, at hans plan er mislykkedes
f Clippy découvre que son plan a échoué
g Clippy erkennt, dass sein Plan in die Hose gegangen ist
h Clippy rájön, hogy terve kudarcot vallott
l Клипи открива, че планът му се е провалил
p Clippy descobre que o seu plano falhou
j クリッピーの計画が失敗したことを知る
r Клиппи обнаруживает провал плана
s Clippy descubre que su plan ha fracasado
u Clippy huomaa suunnitelmansa epäonnistuneen
= Midnight and movement is restored
b A meia-noite e o movimento são restaurados
c 午夜和运动恢复了
d Midnat og bevægelse er genoprettet
f Minuit et le mouvement est restauré
g Die Geisterstunde bringt wieder Bewegung ins Spiel
h Éjfél és a mozgás helyreáll
l Полунощ и движението е възстановено
p A meia-noite e o movimento são restaurados
j 真夜中、動きが回復する
r Полуночное оживление
s La medianoche y el movimiento se restablecen
u Keskiyö ja liikkuminen palautuu
= What's it take to get arrested in this town?
b O que é preciso para ser preso nesta cidade?
c 在这个城市,要怎样才能被逮捕呢?
d Hvad skal der til for at blive arresteret i denne by?
f Qu'est-ce qu'il faut pour se faire arrêter dans cette ville ?
g Gnn! Was genau in aller Welt Namen muss man hier eigentlich anstellen, um verhaftet zu werden?
h Mi kell ahhoz, hogy letartóztassanak ebben a városban?
l Какво е нужно, за да те арестуват в този град?
p O que é preciso para ser detido nesta cidade?
j この街で逮捕されるにはどうしたらいいんだ?
r Как арестоваться в этом городе?
s ¿Qué hace falta para que te arresten en esta ciudad?
u Mitä vaaditaan, että sinut pidätetään tässä kaupungissa?
= Jailbreak
b Fuga da prisão
c 越狱
d Fængselsflugt
f Évasion de prison
g Der Ausbruch
h Börtönszökés
l Бягство от затвора
p Pausa na prisão
j プリズンブレイク
r Взлом тюрьмы
s Fuga de la prisión
u Vankilapako
= Good morning, Mr. Kornada
b Bom dia, Sr. Kornada.
c 早上好,科纳达先生。
d Godmorgen, hr. Kornada.
f Bonjour, M. Kornada.
g Guten Morgen, Herr Kornada.
h Jó reggelt, Kornada úr.
l Добро утро, г-н Корнада.
p Bom dia, Sr. Kornada.
j 角田さん、おはようございます。
r Доброе утро, мистер Корнада
s Buenos días, Sr. Kornada.
u Huomenta, herra Kornada.
= Chaos in the streets, a good day for Sam.
b Caos nas ruas, um bom dia para Sam.
c 街道上一片混乱,对山姆来说是个好日子。
d Kaos i gaderne, en god dag for Sam.
f Chaos dans les rues, un bon jour pour Sam.
g Chaos auf den Straßen, Sam im Glück
h Káosz az utcákon, egy jó nap Sam számára.
l Хаос по улиците - добър ден за Сам.
p Caos nas ruas, um bom dia para Sam.
j 街はカオス、サムにとっては良い日だ。
r Хаос на улицах – хороший знак для Сэма
s Kaos på gatorna, en bra dag för Sam.
u Kaaos kaduilla, hyvä päivä Samille.
= Max Post talks with the Mayor.
b Max Post em conversa com o prefeito.
c 马克斯-波斯特在与市长谈话。
d Max Post i samtale med borgmesteren.
f Max Post s'entretient avec le maire.
g Die Aussprache zwishen der Bürgermeisterin und Max Post.
h Max Post beszélget a polgármesterrel.
l Макс Пост разговаря с кмета.
p Max Post fala com o Presidente da Câmara.
j 市長と話すマックス・ポスト氏。
r Макс Пост разговаривает с мэром
s Max Post habla con el alcalde.
u Max Post keskustelee pormestarin kanssa.
= Meanwhile, down at the south pole.
b Enquanto isso, no pólo sul.
c 与此同时,在南极的下面。
d I mellemtiden, nede på sydpolen.
f Pendant ce temps, au pôle Sud.
g Zwischenzeitlich am Südpol
h Eközben lent a déli póluson.
l Междувременно на южния полюс.
p Entretanto, no pólo sul.
j 一方、南極では
r В это время на южном полюсе
s Mientras tanto, en el polo sur.
u Samaan aikaan etelänavalla.
= Sam figures it out.
b A Sam descobre isso.
c 萨姆搞清楚了。
d Sam regner det ud.
f Sam a compris.
g Sam kommt dahinter.
h Sam rájön.
l Сам го разбира.
p Sam descobre isso.
j サムはそれを理解する。
r Сэм понял
s Sam se da cuenta.
u Sam keksii sen.
= Florence gets out for a walk.
b Florence sai para um passeio.
c 弗洛伦斯出去散步了。
d Florence går en tur.
f Florence sort pour une promenade.
g Gassigehen, -stehen und -flüchten.
h Florence kimegy sétálni.
l Флорънс излиза на разходка.
p Florença sai para dar um passeio.
j フローレンスは散歩に出る。
r Флоренс выходит на прогулку
s Florence sale a dar un paseo.
u Florence lähtee kävelylle.
= Doctor Bowman, I presume?
b Doutor Bowman, eu presumo?
c 鲍曼医生,我想是吧?
d Doktor Bowman, går jeg ud fra?
f Docteur Bowman, je présume ?
g Dr. Bowman, nehme ich an?
h Dr. Bowman, gondolom?
l Доктор Боумън, предполагам?
p Doutor Bowman, presumo?
j ボウマン博士ですね?
r Доктор Боуман, я полагаю?
s ¿El doctor Bowman, supongo?
u Tohtori Bowman, oletan?
= A meeting of the mechanical minds.
b Uma reunião das mentes mecânicas.
c 一个机械思维的会议。
d Et møde mellem de mekaniske hjerner.
f Une réunion des esprits mécaniques.
g Ein Treffen der mechanischen Denker
h A mechanikus elmék találkozója.
l Среща на механичните умове.
p Uma reunião das mentes mecânicas.
j メカニカルマインドの出会い。
r Собрание механических разумов
s Una reunión de las mentes mecánicas.
u Mekaanisten mielten tapaaminen.
= Chaos in the streets, a good day for Sam
b Caos nas ruas, um bom dia para Sam
c 街头的混乱,山姆的好日子
d Kaos i gaderne, en god dag for Sam
f Chaos dans les rues, une bonne journée pour Sam
g Chaos regiert die Stadt. Ein Traum für Sam
h Káosz az utcákon, egy jó nap Sam számára
l Хаос по улиците, добър ден за Сам
p Caos nas ruas, um bom dia para Sam
j 街はカオス、サムにとっては良い日
r Хаос на улицах – хороший знак для Сэма
s Caos en las calles, un buen día para Sam
u Kaaos kaduilla, hyvä päivä Samille
= Delete this text

An Example from 1911.

After the first run of iolate.rb, the file transfertext.utf8 should look like this

Those were… **MY** notes. I think I know what's going on. The majority of robots on this planet are approaching neural pruning age.
Rather than scrap robots using Dr. Bowman's mental design, they may be planning to use an aggressive neural pruning program.
Aggressive? I've seen this program in action!
Saying this thing is aggressive is like saying a great white shark likes to nibble on things!
I'm more than a little disturbed by how much you know about this program. 

Translate it into various languaes and seperate the languages by a line with an ~ otionally followed by a letter to indicate the language, to make it look like this example

Das waren... **Meine** Notizen. Ich glaube, ich weiß, was hier los ist. Die meisten Roboter auf diesem Planeten erreichen das Alter der neuronalen Beschneidung.
Anstatt die Roboter mit Dr. Bowmans mentalem Design zu verschrotten, planen sie vielleicht ein aggressives neurales Beschneidungsprogramm zu verwenden.
Aggressiv? Ich habe dieses Programm in Aktion gesehen!
Es als aggressiv zu bezeichnen, ist so, als würde man sagen, dass ein weißer Hai gerne an Dingen knabbert!
Ich bin mehr als nur ein wenig beunruhigt darüber, wie viel Sie über dieses Programm wissen.
C'était... mes notes. Je pense que je sais ce qui se passe. La majorité des robots sur cette planète approchent de l'âge de l'élagage neural.
Plutôt que de détruire les robots en utilisant le design mental du Dr. Bowman, ils peuvent prévoir d'utiliser un programme agressif d'élagage neuronal.
Agressif ? J'ai vu ce programme en action !
Dire que cette chose est agressive c'est comme dire qu'un grand requin blanc aime grignoter des choses !
Je suis plus que troublé par ce que tu sais de ce programme.
Det var... **MINE** noter. Jeg tror, jeg ved, hvad der foregår. De fleste robotter på denne planet nærmer sig den neurale beskæringsalder.
I stedet for at skrotte robotter ved hjælp af Dr. Bowmans mentale design, planlægger de måske at bruge et aggressivt neuralt beskæringsprogram.
Aggressivt? Jeg har set dette program i aktion!
At sige, at denne tingest er aggressiv er som at sige, at en stor hvid haj kan lide at gnaske på ting!
Jeg er mere end en smule foruroliget over, hvor meget du ved om dette program.
Esas eran... mis notas. Creo que sé lo que está pasando. La mayoría de los robots de este planeta se acercan a la edad de poda neural.
En lugar de desechar los robots usando el diseño mental del Dr. Bowman, pueden estar planeando usar un programa de poda neural agresivo.
¿Agresivo? ¡He visto este programa en acción!
Decir que esta cosa es agresiva es como decir que a un gran tiburón blanco le gusta mordisquear cosas.
Estoy más que perturbado por lo mucho que sabes sobre este programa.
Ne olivat... **MINUN** muistiinpanojani. Luulen tietäväni mistä on kyse. Suurin osa tämän planeetan roboteista lähestyy hermojen karsintaikää.
Sen sijaan, että he romuttaisivat robotteja tohtori Bowmanin mentaalisen mallin mukaan, he saattavat suunnitella aggressiivista hermojen karsintaohjelmaa.
Aggressiivinen? Olen nähnyt tämän ohjelman toiminnassa!
Tämän sanominen aggressiiviseksi on kuin sanoisi, että valkohai tykkää nakertaa asioita!
Minua häiritsee, miten paljon tiedät tästä ohjelmasta.
Ezek... **az én jegyzeteim** voltak. Azt hiszem, tudom, mi folyik itt. A robotok többsége ezen a bolygón közelít az idegrendszeri metszési korhoz.
Ahelyett, hogy a robotokat Dr. Bowman mentális tervezésével selejteznék, talán egy agresszív neurális metszési programot terveznek.
Agresszív? Láttam ezt a programot működés közben!
Azt mondani, hogy ez a dolog agresszív, olyan, mintha azt mondanánk, hogy egy nagy fehér cápa szeret rágcsálni dolgokat!
Egy kicsit zavar, hogy mennyit tudsz erről a programról.

Note that DeepL honors the bold formating here only for German, Danish, Finnish and Hungarian, but not for French or Spanish. Your mileage may vary on this.

The second run of iolate.rb should than give you translated files for all the languages, which here are


You still have to translate what is outside the cotan tags manually.

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