ZH / 编辑 编辑该页面,然后点击保存。帮助,游乐场 FIXME **此页面没有被翻译完全。请帮助翻译本页。**\\ //(当全文翻译完时请移除这个段落)// == Rituals and Offerings 0114 == {cnav} {{0114.jpg}} |< 1000px 25% 25% 25% >| |[oth]|[oth]|[oth]| Hapi: An appropriately named fertility god.\\ http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/hapi.htm The Egyptians generally did not use coinage for money, not until very late in their history. Even weighed metals like silver were not as preferred as the bartering of livestock, food, or goods. The closest thing the Egyptians had to a real coinage system is the deben: or about 92 grams of metal, ten kit equalled one deben. Most daily transactions were based on oral agreements, given the fact that the sums involved were often small, people could neither read nor write and scribes were not always available. But when the amount was significant, the wise lender had it put in writing. IOU’s were written on pot shards or any other piece of matter flat enough to be written on.\\ Example\\ Owed by Apahte, son of Patai: 30 pieces of silver.\\ Written in the year 28(?), on the 30th of Mesore.\\ http://nefertiti.iwebland.com/trade/internal_trade.htm申请取消救命 保存后继续编辑 本网站的名称,英文,仅限小写 请将此区域留空保存 预览 取消 编辑摘要 当您选择开始编辑本页,即寓示你同意将你贡献的内容按下列许可协议发布: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International