TAG: kingdom hearts

2021/05/24 10:36   AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0089 My Continued Vendetta Against Puppies kingdom_hearts Come to think of it, I don't think there were any of the 101 Dalmatians in Atlanti…
2021/05/24 10:36   AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0103 Gunship kingdom_hearts But if you held down A you would get a giant cube of bullets! What's not to like! …Disney characters are really…
2021/05/24 10:20 Robot Spike AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0578 Dogfight kingdom_hearts That statue in Traverse Town is a memorial. My new project is playing all the Kingdom Hearts games before King…
2021/05/24 10:20 Robot Spike AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0582 Stress Traumatic Post Disorder kingdom_hearts Sora, please, those postcards were locked in a treasure chest for a reason?!
2021/05/24 10:19 Robot Spike AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0586 Monkey See, Monkey Chew kingdom_hearts I don't know why we made the spaceship out of candy.
2021/05/24 10:19 Robot Spike AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0589 Feeling Torn kingdom_hearts He's fine. That's normal. I'm pretty sure I remember that story always being that way.
2021/05/24 10:19 Robot Spike AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0591 Housebroken kingdom_hearts The 100 Acre Wood storybook is a precious fragile world of peace and Sora should not be allowed anywhere nea…
2021/05/24 10:19 Robot Spike AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0597 Keychain Reaction kingdom_hearts I for one have never attached a keychain to any object without condemning it to become an anchor site …