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Результаты полнотекстового поиска:
- Freefall 2444 @pl:sci-fi:freefall
- .png}} @28,135,68,47 # ~ @21,132,73,57 [mst][!1.2]WOLF! STOP! ~ @20,350,82,68 # ~ @13,348,86,81 [mst][!1.2]ESCREVA, WOLF! STOP! ~ @22,780,187,20 # ~ @42,795,154,20 # ~ @1
- Freefall 2775 @pl:sci-fi:freefall
- o the speed of light ([[/user/tiger_deagle|Lonely Wolf]])\\ "send an asteroid towards us at relativistic
- Freefall 2764 @pl:sci-fi:freefall
- rge Peterson\\ \\ Am I the only one who thinks Flo will have a job? ([[user>tiger_deagle|Lonely Wolf]])
- Freefall 2754 @pl:sci-fi:freefall
- frame)... Correct me ([[user>tiger_deagle|Lonely Wolf]])\\ In light of the phrase in the third picture,