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Интервью с Флоренс Амброуз @eo:sci-fi:freefall:backstory
18 соответствий, Последние изменения:
ad a few stories to get a better understanding of wolf perceptions, but none have approached Mark's trea... he half hour the conversation would turn to how a wolf would perceive hominid society. To what extend th... We'll just have to talk later about my fictional wolf species and their protolanguage. They are based a... et before I started talking. I wasn't raised as a wolf. I've read about wolves, especially the red wolf
Подробнее о Флоренс Амброуз @eo:sci-fi:freefall:backstory
4 соответствий, Последние изменения:
ed didn’t realize what they were selling-Bowman's Wolf embryos. Embryos of just a few cells can be froze... f five dollars, the value of a potential Bowman’s Wolf puppy has gone up considerably since then. If the Bowman’s Wolf were intentionally released, Ecosystems Unlimited... ng that. Florence considers it lucky the Bowman’s Wolf did not have its “self replicating” features remo
Флоренс Амброуз. Краткая характеристика @eo:sci-fi:freefall:backstory
1 соответствий, Последние изменения:
l.jpg}}\\ //(рисунок: Марк Стенли; раскраска: Old Wolf((это ник одного из старожилов форума и держателя