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- Age of Iron 0027 @ru:other:age-of-iron
- s eventually gave away to reddened dust and sand, mountains came ever closer and the terrain became steeper as he made his way into the muggy highlands. He trotted along, blissfully un... around boulders and rocks, growing ever closer to the lonely mountains. By evening he had reach them, optics staring up... towards it in curiosity. As he cantered towards the pass, a rock suddenly chipped down the mountain, catching his attention. He curved his ears and watched as the small rock bounced and rolled down the mountain, causing more rocks to fall with it. The source o
- Age of Iron 0005 @ru:other:age-of-iron
- eyes. He did not see sparkling steel and iron, or black rubber-ish material embracing his barrel, neck and the back of his legs. Instead his eyes were met with ... way. Behind her, a putrid, green fog flooded over the peaks of the mountains, killing everything in its wake. She tilted her ... s duties and then taking walks. Very long walks. The scout lifted his eyes to gaze upon the pale red mountains, stripped of their trees and grass, now down to ... ss. With a push and a grunt, he was sailing over the log, his silky black tail streamed out behind him. He landed with a sh
- Age of Iron 0028 @ru:other:age-of-iron
- s and horrible cries echoed around him. He was in the mountain pass, but it was fast filling with bodies as they... her legs were affected. Her limbs were wrapped in the same soft black material that covered Steampunk’s own legs and be... to the earth where it had been a moment ago. Just then, a rumble was heard, and over the hill came a lumbering black truck towing a trailer. Morgrim dropped his flowe... w. Avalon was afraid of the growls and booms that the sky tossed down, and cowered under Steampunk’s belly. As the skies grew blacker, the two retreated into the back on the buildin
- Age of Iron 0026 @ru:other:age-of-iron
- lion of whom was covered completely in deep green-black silicone-like material save for the black metal face plate and breathing filter covering his nostrils. There was also Reagan, leader of the Judas squad, of whom had the task of capturing the enemy’s attent... ners stretched all the way under his eyes, due to the disintegration of tissue beneath. He lashed his long blackish serpentine tail in glee at the thought of bein... ntly. Speak quickly, deer, before I grow hungry.” The black shepherd barked, ears perked and hackles raised a