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- Eine Geschichte von und über Donna Morris @de:playground
- e all get ourselves into these things? If there's one thing I've learned from the customer feedback of ... ntence. I'll be resolutely convinced of something one minute only to find myself saying the exact oppos... s the power. Power comes from the workhorses. The ones who actually go about getting things done. |Ich ... king for it. But it's painfully obvious how every one of them has to dip their head and fold their ears
- Spielplatz 02 @de:playground
- o seperate languages in transfertext.utf8 # from oneanother. The default is ~. You may need this optio... he text there has to be a line containing exactly one ~ character # at the start of the line, marking t... ertext.utf8 # In the extracted text all text from one textbox is concatenatet into # one line, seperated by a space. The text of all textboxes # is concat
- Sandra and Woo 0500 @ru:furry:sandra-and-woo
- Here is the complete text in Toki Pona. (There is one spelling error where “toke” was used instead of “... Toki Pona. * (3) orbit A paraphrase for “year”: one orbit around the sun. * (4) the spirits talked ... es closest related to the raccoons apart from the ring-tailed cat. They are depicted inside the sun at t... lowing! * (11) oak Tree hollows of old oaks are one of the favorite denning sites of raccoons. The oa
- Freefall 2492 @da:sci-fi:freefall
- Sam with the red hands (Guest).\\ More interesting, why are the mittens ringing? I guess the mittens weren't the only ones in that store.… (plBots)
- Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 3418 @ru:gamer:yet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic
- c+Tawnie O'Mason|Tawnie O'Mason]]\\ This is a BIG one! And WordPress seems to have compressed it, so it... ng to some old SF/Fantasy soundtrack remixes, and one of them was one I use a lot while getting inspired for YAFGC, but they’d laid in some jingle bell soun... y have a daughter, Martha.\\ Panel 10: Glon meets one of his childhood friends at the door, Delman O’Ma
- Age of Iron 0001 @ru:other:age-of-iron
- ngless War. Humans. Those long-limbed, hairless ones who babble useless information into our ears, pe... Born in the confines of a small box-stall, or in one of those hideous Zoos. You, my wild friends, had ... r head into your chest, and dance in the Dressage ring. You didn’t have to listen to herds of screaming ... ness. They have even tried to shield us from this one, eh? Of course they failed. This virus that plagu
- Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0587 @ru:gamer:yet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic
- Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+The One Ring|The One Ring]]\\ Местность: [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3
- Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0794 @ru:gamer:yet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic
- Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+The One Ring|The One Ring]], [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another
- Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0790 @ru:gamer:yet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic
- Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+The One Ring|The One Ring]], [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another
- Freefall 2492 @en:sci-fi:freefall
- t Sam with the red hands (Guest).\\ More interesting, why are the mittens ringing? I guess the mittens weren't the only ones in that store.… (plBots)
- Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0578 @ru:gamer:yet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic
- Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+The One Ring|The One Ring]]\\ Местность: [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3
- Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0741 @ru:gamer:yet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic
- Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+The One Ring|The One Ring]], [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another
- Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0590 @ru:gamer:yet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic
- Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+The One Ring|The One Ring]]\\ Местность: [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3
- Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0586 @ru:gamer:yet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic
- Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+The One Ring|The One Ring]]\\ Местность: [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3
- Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0592 @ru:gamer:yet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic
- Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+The One Ring|The One Ring]]\\ Местность: [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3