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- EN / This page does not exist yet
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- EN / Registration
- rd input in the form, the password will be sent to e-mail. The new password is also sent there if you lose your old one, so the email **must not be fictitious**
- EN / There is a newer revision of
- t to merge edits, copy that tab into your browser (usually by Shift-dragging), refine someone else's revision there, then undo the edit here
- EN / Read only
- ong * Maybe you forgot to [[?do=login|log in to the wiki]] under your username? If you don't already have one, you need to [[?do=register|register]] * [[/en/tlk/the-lion-queen/index]], [[/en/tlk/forgotten-dynasty/i... ti-sawa/index]] are blocked from direct access by the authors. [[?do=register|Register]] * Some com... group, so [[?do=register|register]] and then pass the [[/en/nsfw|special test]] * Or go back through
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- fc> * Maybe you forgot to [[?do=login|log in to the wiki]] under your username? If you don't already have one, you need to [[?do=register|register]] * [[/en/tlk/the-lion-queen/index]], [[/en/tlk/forgotten-dynasty/i... ti-sawa/index]] are blocked from direct access by the authors. [[?do=register|Register]] * Some com... group, so [[?do=register|register]] and then pass the [[/en/nsfw|special test]] * Or go back through
- EN / Page History
- To fast roll back edits, select a revision, click the edit option in the sidebar, and in the editor that opens, click the save button immediately