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Результаты полнотекстового поиска:
- Ursification of anime Hellsing
- ец!\\ А какое аниме нравится вам?))) …And it was one of the experimental comic covers, now remaining with Affairs, but I like it :)\\ Especially the Darkness in the role of Victoria. Well, who knew - nice guy!\\ And what anime you like?))) [back]
- Ursification of Manowar
- Manowar == [back] {{ursi_manowar.png}} And by the way - another ursification, again - one of my favorite bands. Who recognizes these dinosaurs of the power metal genre - high five! [back]
- Ursification of Men in Black
- {ursi_men_in_black.png}} …Another bonus cover, not included in the general collection.\\ It's cool if someone remembers this movie B)B)B) [back]
- Ursification of Nightwish
- [back] {{ursi_nightwish.jpg}} Small offtopic in the form of “ursification” of one musical group. Who knows them - give five %) [ba