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- Age of Iron 0027 @ru:other:age-of-iron
- towards it in curiosity. As he cantered towards the pass, a rock suddenly chipped down the mountain, catching his attention. He curved his ears and watched as the small rock bounced and rolled down the mountain, causing more rocks to fall with it. The source o... called up to the thing, which did not respond. As the small rock slide came to a halt at the base of the mountain, he braved a trek up the side, his hooves slippin... surprise and terror, Cogs rolled and crashed down the face of the mountain, his legs entangled in some sort of web. He flail
- Age of Iron 0028 @ru:other:age-of-iron
- s and horrible cries echoed around him. He was in the mountain pass, but it was fast filling with bodies as they... her legs were affected. Her limbs were wrapped in the same soft black material that covered Steampunk’s own legs and be... ment ago. Just then, a rumble was heard, and over the hill came a lumbering black truck towing a trailer. Morgrim dropped his flower, and he and Fae shared a look of fear as the truck drew closer. *** “Steamy!” Avalon cried,
- Age of Iron 0026 @ru:other:age-of-iron
- lion of whom was covered completely in deep green-black silicone-like material save for the black metal face plate and breathing filter cover... ntly. Speak quickly, deer, before I grow hungry.” The black shepherd barked, ears perked and hackles raised a... y, tossing his head. “Dhor’uba is right,” Snorted the large black bull the stood next to the wildebeest. “why shoul... ’s and Medics as well. Infantries, we must search the highlands, every hill and canyon until we reach the mountain pass. Aerial assault units, take to the skies—“