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- Jesus and Mo 1125
- 39,281,130 [blunt][!1.2]**Penal substitution** is the model of atonement which states that I died on the cross to pay ... e][!1.2]Besides, you and your Dad are meant to be the same person - you're saying you could only satisfy yourself by torturing yourself to death? ~ @527,155,181,97;1px # ~ @527... dge][!1.2]Gee thanks, but how can it be right for one person to be punished on **behalf** of **another**? The whole thing is not only **absurd**, it is **immor
- Jesus and Mo 1137
- ge][!2.0]There's **plenty** of evidence. In Court the **testimony** of two women is equal to that of **one** man. ~ @290,1127,304,139;1px # ~ @290,1127,304... # ~ @789,70,526,185 [edge][!2.0]Plus women can neither **pray** nor **fast** during their **menses** - so they are **unarguably** deficient in religion compared to men ~ @789,793,279,104;1px
- Jesus and Mo 0337
- 7.jpg}} @170,170,90,40;1px # ~ @6,30,965,40 [!8.2]The numbering before this strip is wrong by one. This should be corrected later. ~ @205,205,90,40