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Eine Geschichte von und über Donna Morris
3082 соответствий, Последние изменения:
in that place... | | | |"I very much appreciated the gesture, obviously. My owner sparing my life was the first time anyone had really stuck out their neck to protect me. I ... al and artificial neurons started reaching out to one another, testing, investigating, and figuring out the new rules that came with the territory. He awoke and was coherent, but still l... se your leash isn't being pulled, it doesn't make the leash go away. I still cringe a little when I see one of those teddy bears. Once-bitten twice-shy, I su... ading Mr. Nestor's wife back to the waiting room. The orderly was speaking in calm tones and patiently answering her questions. I didn't think much of it until I
Spielplatz 02
568 соответствий, Последние изменения:
f strings sOneLanguage = asAllTranslatedText[iOneLanguage] # the translated text of this language in one string wih linebraks asTranslatedText = sOneLanguag... each_char { |sChar| # search through all chars in the string, which should in fact be only one if sl[0].upcase == sChar.upcase # co... angs contains the subfield of COUNTRYLETTERS with the matching letter and the full name of the language, there should only be one such element in the field, i.e, thde structure i... age = sLanguage + "-" + allLangs[iL][1] # in case there are more entries all full language nanme are appended into the string, seperated by "-" end }
Spielplatz 01
27 соответствий, Последние изменения:
und aufgestiegen, empor geschwungen | | | High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there, | Hoch in die sonnendurchflutete Stille. D... Und, während ich mit still erhabenem Gemüt | | | The high untrespassed sanctity of space, | Die undurchdringliche Heiligkeit des Weltalls betrat, | | | Put ou... d of—wheeled and soared and swung | | | | High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there, | | | | I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung| | | | My eager craft through footless h