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- Интервью с Флоренс Амброуз @eo:sci-fi:freefall:backstory
- d smells are down low. I had a good childhood. Anyone who has had a puppy knows they're not just a pet,... would trade places with me in a instant. Richard, one of my dearest friends, has cerebral palsy. I was ... e. But after we've proven ourselves, after we've gone a few generations and shown that we're safe, I'd ... that Doctor Bowman is a step ahead of us on this one. The robots here have worked around their safegua
- The Savage Chicken @eo:sci-fi:freefall:backstory
- d when atmospheric pressure drops too low. Being one of the initial ships in system, it was designed t... ets more civilized, the rules get tighter. I’ve done what I can to make the ship look primitive and wo... good power storage cells. The Savage Chicken has one fusion reactor down (500 MW reactor), but still h... and Very Expensive-Mark named it DAVE when questioned about what he calls his ‘warp drive,’ but it was
- Подробнее о Флоренс Амброуз @eo:sci-fi:freefall:backstory
- me by throwing her voice. She might already have done it to avoid shouting. Part of the game plan for... so humans know the species is safe to be around. One of the males quickly came to the realization ther... ssent within the species. Of the other two males, one is 'married to his work' and the other is quite happy to live a monogamous life with one of the other females. Right now, Florence is leg
- Sam Starfall @eo:sci-fi:freefall:backstory
- “foraged”. No real work, just whatever natural stones or sticks in the right shape they could find. Li... ould go out and grab unclaimed kids. (And claimed ones, if the parent isn’t looking.) It’s a bit more c... o raise a child on Sam’s world than on Earth. The ones who survive do get wiser and trickier. Now you ... For this, the answer is dispersal. If the sterile ones have “wanderlust” and go to other squids’ areas
- Freefall 3296 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- vo. ~ @97,212,95,19 #fefffc ~ @90,217,89,32 [sam]Bone, mi. ~ @7,338,269,125 #fefffc ~ @130,342,263,24 #... ivo. Se vi volas meti min en tiun kategorion, mi bone kun tio. ~ @13,707,197,22 #fefffc ~ @32,683,243,4
- Freefall 3302 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- # ~ @3,18,281,90 [sam]Mi ne volas paroli pri la bonegoj de aliaj. Mi volas fari grandajn farojn kaj la... oŝipon. Planedo konstruota por via specio. Estas bone, se viaj agoj ne kongruas kun tiuj de viaj legend
- Freefall 3339 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- on. ~ @90,200,52,20 #fefffc ~ @85,195,60,25 [sam]Bonega. ~ @10,655,296,42 #fefffc ~ @3,658,294,60 [nio]Bone, nun estas tempo lerni kiel fermi la interfacan f
- Freefall 0067 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- 51,710,258,120 [flo]Mi ne scias kio estas pli malbone. Ke radiado tial timigas cin aŭ ke Heliks devis h
- Freefall 0086 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- 15,133,81 [flo]Mia kredo je destino estas restarigita. ~ {{<cotan}} Nickel - Amerika la 5-cenda monero.
- Freefall 0098 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- e ~ @0,609,110,111 [sam]Aĥ. Certe.\\ La ponto!\\ Bonega ideo! ~ @4,736,238,100;43% #fefefe ~ @0,743,222
- Freefall 0065 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- ens. Ni ankoraŭ havas balonon kun akvo. Estus malbone se ni ne uzus ĝin. ~ @10,333,216,71 # ~ @69,402,8
- Freefall 0037 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- aĝa! ~ @16,243,117,63 # ~ @0,244,119,93 [flo]Wolftones? Headbreak? The gories? ~ @44,390,64,42 # ~ @33,
- Freefall 0001 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- 30% 50% 50% # ~ @0,787,177,92 [sam]Jes. Estas malbone ke parada komitato deprenis niajn balonojn. ~ {{<
- Freefall 3345 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- s. Ĝi estas tio, kio kondukis al unu el la plej ikonecaj momentoj en la historio, la unua homa surteriĝ
- Freefall 0101 @eo:sci-fi:freefall
- komforte por Florens. ~ @29,635,54,22 # ~ @49,623,78,22 # ~ @20,614,93,62 [hlx]Pli bonege. ~ {{<cotan}}