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- Age of Iron 0005
- her, his black and yellow eyes ever so dead. “Morgrim and Fae? They’re at the pond.” She answered, flic... ched the pond, where the two other younglings, Morgrim and Fae were playing in the shallow water. Avalon... t him with a smile before joining her friends. Morgrim was but 4 years of age, and Fae 3. Morgrim’s heavy draft build and mealy bay coloration was highly cont
- Age of Iron 0028
- watch the younglings before, but that was when Morgrim was Avalon’s size and Avalon herself was just a f... d bounced around, yapping out more questions. Morgrim had decided to begin showing off, balancing a dea... g. “I… the men. They are coming to take me and Morgrim away this day.” The young gypsy vanner replied sh... came a lumbering black truck towing a trailer. Morgrim dropped his flower, and he and Fae shared a look
- Age of Iron 0029
- ” At this, Quinn looked up again, expectant. “Morgrim, correct? The mixed breed draft we found in that ... w, now almost overflowing. The pond where Fae, Morgrim and she had played so often. She went past the lone fallen log and stump, where Morgrim used to show off for the fillies. Tears stung her
- Age of Iron 0026
- aking all the way. Steampunk looked around him, a grim, bored look in his eyes. Cervines, canines, hyaen
- Age of Iron 0001
- some young foals are born immune? You, Avalon, Morgrim and Fae. You strong younglings. You are all immun