Черненне Изчерните сторонку-ту да тыкните «Сохоронить». Докувики-синтаксис гля справке, index гля тесованню Излюб меддястопы FIXME **Ета сторонка ешшо не изтолмачена начисто дык. Будьте добреньки, подсобите свершыть толмачку-ту.**\\ //(Зашоркате ету сказку по свершенню толмачесва-то.)// == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0043 == **Harassoline** {cnav} {{0043.png}} //Based on near-true events!// AREN'T MY PARENTS WACKY!\\ And we never did find out.\\ //Yeah// it's not that funny. That's why I don't do comics about my life. WHO DO I THINK I AM, SCOTT KURTZ?\\ But it was a decent enough excuse to try and learn how to draw a cars, even though I gave up around the fifth panel.\\ Speaking of a cars, //your puny planet is no match for our a car!//\\ Look at that car. It is //gigantic//; my illustration does not even do it justice. I am learning to drive with that car, and I am short, and I can barely see over the steering wheel. Continue editing after saving Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Сохоронить Прозыр Отменить Сводка ментовков Примечанее: чернюючи ету сторонку, вы соголоситеся на корыстованне свово вложа на выговорах следской правшни: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International