Черненне Изчерните сторонку-ту да тыкните «Сохоронить». Докувики-синтаксис гля справке, index гля тесованню Излюб меддястопы FIXME **Ета сторонка ешшо не изтолмачена начисто дык. Будьте добреньки, подсобите свершыть толмачку-ту.**\\ //(Зашоркате ету сказку по свершенню толмачесва-то.)// == Sandra and Woo 0976 == **#FFA500 Hell** {cnav} {{0976.png}} I think this strip works well on its own, and was originally written like that, but it is of course also a reference to the PC game //Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy//.\\ //Getting Over It// is a short game that can theoretically be [[https://www.speedrun.com/Getting_Over_It_With_Bennett_Foddy|completed in just a few minutes]], but it is **ridiculously** hard since it requires extremely precise mouse input. And if you fall at one obstacle the wrong way, you may fall all the way back to the starting position. There are lots of funny videos on YouTube of Let’s Players who scream and cry like little children due to their frustration when playing the game:\\ “Orange Hell” is the nickname for the most notorious part of the game. The problem is not that the jump from the table with the orange is super hard; the problem is the difficulty of the following steep face (especially the last jump) and the extreme punishment for every tiny mistake.\\ All in all, the game is so hard that only 4.5% of all Steam users have managed to complete it, usually taking several hours. [[http://sandraandwoo.com/2018/04/01/one-of-my-proudest-achievements/|I’m one of them.]] * PewDiePie’s journey into insanity * Markiplier’s descent into rage-fuelled madness * Gamers’ reactions to falling down at “Orange Hell” <!-- The Devil: Hell. The Devil: There are many misconceptions about hell. First and foremost, hell is not simply a lake of fire in which the souls of sinners are roasted for all eternity. No, hell is a lot more subtle than that. The Devil: Thomas J. God’s fan club likes to claim that hell is the absence of God. But since God may be an even bigger jerk than I am, that doesn’t quite hit the heart of the matter. The Devil: Others say that the worst thing about hell is that you can see heaven. And I think there’s a lot of truth behind that sentiment. The Devil: Hell is the constant reminder of your failures in decisive situations, of your imperfection as human being. Hell cracks open your mind and stares right into it. The Devil: Hell is the last great trial for the souls of the fallen. A trial from which they either emerge victorious or from which they perish. The Devil: Hell is not a fiery hot red, or an ice-cold blue. Hell is more like… a pale mauve. The Devil: … Or maybe orange. --> {{tag>demons food getting_over_it hell the_devil video_games}} Continue editing after saving Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Сохоронить Прозыр Отменить Сводка ментовков Примечанее: чернюючи ету сторонку, вы соголоситеся на корыстованне свово вложа на выговорах следской правшни: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International