Старая ревизия
ZomCom 0101 - 0110
Special Episode: Trick
So happy that I got to work with the awesome Doodle Demon! If you havent checked them out yet, be sure to! They have multiple social medias to follow and they're also right here on webtoon! Just out of curiosity… Who else would you like to see zom collab with?? Write our your comments!
One Mans Trash
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT TRASHMAID FOR THEIR VERSION OF THIS COMIC! The author has uploaded this comic using Trashmaids perspective!! So go see it! I had so much fun with this!!! If you haven't already please read Little Trashmaid! Its ADORABLE! Please keep sending me who you think zomcom should collab with next!
Love is
So happy to be involved in this collab! Also theres going to be a special THANK YOU COMIC for when I reach 500,000 subscribers!! THATS SO MANY OMG You guys are seriously the best! I only need 3k more and i couldn't be happier! Happy valentines day guys YOU ARE ALL MY TRUE LOVE ;;O;
Naked and Afraid
Ok dang, I'll knock next time how about you lock the door too! SPECIAL NOTE! I see people are talking about the ad videos! This new ad acts as a fastpass. The episode will become unlocked in a week! However if you CHOOSE to watch the ad and unlock the episode early. It WILL benefit me! It supports me financially so thank you very much if you choose to do it!