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Nerf-now 2481 - 2490
Nerf Now!! 2481

And of course, there is always that guy who doesn't like anything but the tuna sandwich from that place who takes 1 hour to delivery but we are all best served just ignoring him.

I found about the Bungie and Activision split and while I want to celebrate like the rest of the fans I wonder if Bungie will be able to handle both the game and publishing when they already struggled to manage just Destiny 2.

Hoping for the best here, with all the red flags Blizzard been showing I don't want another company to sink.

Nerf Now!! 2482

I watched some Fortnite streams this weekend and boy, it was not for me.

Maybe because I'm older, maybe because I'm calm or maybe because I'm in control of my emotions I hardly get that crazy outburst of emotions when something very common like a critical hit killing someone happens.

I get it, streamers need to pump it up otherwise the channel end up tepid and you can even start getting in the mood if you do it but some people do it better than others and when everybody is having hysterical attacks to stuff which happen every game like dying to a RIP Tire or a Dragonblade it gets old.

But hey, some people do fanservice, others do clickbait with reaction faces, we all fight with the weapons we have I guess.

Nerf Now!! 2483

I don't mind clickbaiting banners that much. I am not the kind of person who'll click a random banner on youtube unless I already know and like the content.

But fake hype and overblow reactions accompanied by stupid faces make me feel like I'm watching a kids show.

But the banner itself? I may disagree on a moral sense but I won't stop watching a channel I like because of it, thou I feel any channel I'd follow would not use them anyway.

Nerf Now!! 2484

Nothing much else to say about Artifact expect perhaps to write it's an obituary.

My opinion is, outside of being a paid game in a market saturated with F2P options, the game is made toward a single person, and JUST that kind of person.

It lacks brain dead aggro decks, or super gimmick control deck, they are this snowbally mid-range deck where you don't really have full control of the board.

Or perhaps the game is just bad, with how little control you have of where your units attack and how you need to keep tabs of multiple stuff, the reason why so many people keep saying the game is mentally taxing, like playing chess with invisible pieces.

I just wish Valve had used its resources to make a 2d platformer game instead, I'd love to see what this kind of game would be with how much resources and polish they dumped on this failed project.

I think the game is so far gone even if they wanted to bring it back it would be easier to start a new game instead of trying to bring this one from the dead.


Nerf Now!! 2485

The next Magic the Gathering expansion is just around the corner and my wallet is ready.

Still, I may wait to see how the meta settles and if Teferi is still relevant I think I'll spend my money elsewhere.

Fuck Teferi.

p.s. Also fuck Nexus of Fate.

Nerf Now!! 2486

I was watching some old Mass Effect 2 videos and damn, do I love this game.

I think Bioware was at its apex when they made it, almost everything on the game is either good or excellent. The game has so many memorable moments it's hard to keep track.

People praise Wither 3 as the best RPG but I think Mass Effect pulls ahead because it's shorter. Witcher 3 open world end up making the game stretches too long and personally, I was not fond of Ciri so having to babysit her kind put a minus in the game for me.

Before you guys raise your silver swords I'm not saying Witcher 3 is bad, it's my 2nd favorite RPG but there are some issues and Mass Effect 2 just has fewer of them.

To close, this comic made me hungry, I think I'll go buy a cake today…

Nerf Now!! 2487

I'm far beyond my cape comic fanboy days and I'll even say Batman probably had better, more memorable graphic novels than Superman.

But at the end of the day, Super does more heroic stuff, and not only in scale but on being an inspiration. Meanwhile, Batman is on the shadows, brooding, bat-kryptonite ready for the moment Super will turn…..

…any moment now.

Meanwhile, Joker probably escaped his cell again. I mean, for a person who can prepare EFFICIENT countermeasures to defeat the whole Justice League he doesn't seen to be able to use those same resources to keep his backyard in order.

Perhaps it's not a priority like keeping those heroes in check.

Nerf Now!! 2488

Every time I see this 10 years challenge is something like «small kid prodigy with already good art at young age who is now Vincent van Gogh».

Meanwhile, my scribbles are now slightly less scribbly.


Nerf Now!! 2489

The meta in Magic Arena is being dominated by a mono-red face deck which is basically few lands and the rest just direct damage burn card like shock and some card draw. Even the few creatures there either have haste or can hit you for some damage as they land on the field. It's also a cheap deck to build so F2P players on a budget have an extra incentive to play this kind of deck.

However, i like fighting those decks. It's not impossible to create an anti-burn deck to survive the onslaught and rack up wins, the challenge is doing that while not crippling your deck versus other match-ups.

I still prefer to fight 3 mono-red decks than a single turbofog one. Because, you know… the red one go fasta.


Nerf Now!! 2490

Despite what this comic may imply, Fountain of Renewal is one of the tools to try survive mono-red damage onslaught. However if red get very good draws there is very little any deck can do.

Still, a passive health regen for 1 mana one the 1st turn is probably one of the best openers you can have versus mono-red on your opening hand.

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