Старая ревизия

Nerf Now!! 1781 - 1790

Nerf Now!! 1781

Valve blocked All Pick, the most popular game format in Dota, for some days.

People enjoy All Pick because they can pick their favorite flavor of the meta heroes and try to pump their MMR. This create the scenery where you see the same heroes a lot in All Pick.

There are modes where this can be avoided, for example, Captain's Mode, where the captain can ban some heroes, but those modes are not as popular as All Pick for several reasons.

People also queue for All Pick because the wait times are smaller, this create a chicken-and-egg problem of people not picking other modes because they are not popular and the mode not being popular because the queue times are long.

Some people believe All Pick is off for «ceremonial reasons» and it's being replaced with a different mode. I won't mind a mode where I could ban Storm Spirit every time. I don't care he is not top tier anymore, I'd still ban him for spite.

If erotic stuff didn't have such a bad reputation I'd probably give it a serious try but as it stands there is little no reason to invest on it. It just pays (literally) to try to reach a broader public by staying safe® for work.

Now get ready for a day full of fake (and not so fake) news. The world is so crazy lately I feel every day is April fools sometimes.

I feel this year April's Fools was tamer than previous one, like everybody got kinda fed up with it.

I'm ready to the next expansion of Hearthstone. Card reveals are nice but doesn't change the fact the current meta is stale as fuck.

Sometimes I see a video of Warframe and I tell to myself «I need to play this game» but than I forgot to play it. It looks like the kind of game I'd enjoy playing.

Been watching some random Starcraft 2 matches and Zergs always get rekt by Phoenix harass. I kinda wish to know if there is a proper counter to it…

Enough random rambling, enjoy the weekend!

So, I played Warframe.

I am still a low level Initiate so I can't really say if the game has a long lasting appeal but so far, it's good. It's surprisingly smooth and pretty for a F2P game I want to add.

However, for such a well crafted game, their decision to go for that strange organic visual for the Warframes is SO weird.

I admire the artists behind the game for creating a unique look for the game, but it just doesn't appeal to me. I can only imagine how much more popular the game would have been if they stuck with a more mainstream visual like Metal Gear Raiden or Overwarch Genji.

Usually, I don't play betas, or early access games. Between bugs, balance and missing content I prefer to wait for the full, finished product.

However, Overwatch beta is as good as the finished product, and the game is damn fine. I basically stopped playing TF2 because the people I play with migrated to it and the gameplay is solid. Doesn't help TF2 is kinda old by now and there isn't much left for me to do there.

Personally, I think would be cool if Valve added new classes in TF2 but I doubt this will happen.

Still, a tentacle can dream…

Today for the 1st time I found Mountain Dew for sale where I live. Yes, for better or for worse I never tasted MD.

While I had low expectation about how good a soft drink could be, I still bought of bottle so I could finally be a true gamer. I even bought a pack of Doritos for the full MLG experience.

Like I expected, it is… fine. I surely won't cross the city for a bottle of it and I think it's on par with other citrus beverages. It strongly remind me of Redoxon though.

However, that yellowish color… my god, that just don't look healthy. It just scream «artificial» and the 1st thing I tough when I poured it on my glass was «it looks like piss, I sure hope it don't taste like it.»

I guess I'm not geing sponsored by Mountain Dew anytime soon.

Now I just need to find some Dr. Pepper to achieve soft drink mastery.

Pitlord is one of the few Dota 1 heroes not ported yet to Dota 2, he is also one of the oldest Dota heroes.

I don't know what's holding his release so much. Perhaps the Dota 2 team is smaller now so they lack the manpower needed to constantly delivery new heroes, or perhaps there are plans to reach a maximum number of heroes available so it's better to slow down now.

They may also just trying to prum the ever growing number of bugs instead of adding a new hero which will probably bring more trouble to the table.

Unrelated, looks like there will be a new Star Wars movie which will NOT be Eps VIII… I guess Disney decided to start milking the franchinse full force now, though I ponder if the public will be so eager to fill the threaters if new Star Wars movies are not scarce anymore.

I've seen some streamers lose their shit due to some nasty chat spam, and some even «quit» because of it, though I think the allure of relatively easy money call many of them back.

People dismiss the power of trolling but you need to have a pretty thick skin to ignore it succesfully.

I also watched an amazing Starcraft PvZ finals between Dark and Stat (with a retired Boxer cameo) which impressed me. Lots of interesting tactics and some very close fights where my noob self could not figure who would win until the last unit of the enemy team got vaporized.

And sorry for the late comic, perhaps it's time to try new games again…

I'm surprised at people fondly remembering the old days of WoW.

Sure, I enjoyed it but mostly because it was my first MMORPG, but the game has so many glaring flaws it was not funny, with the biggest offender being lack of content.

I guess if you played the game until the cap and imediatly rolled an alt when you reached the it you would have the best experience, because the road to the cap was fun specially if you picked a new starting zone.

But from cap and oward the game was bare, and there were time sinks everywere.

I'm not talking about «fun» time sinks like reputation farming, I'm talking about smelting a single metal bar taking several seconds seconds and flying from one zone to another taking several minutes. Wow probably gave me the bad habit of tabbing while gaming.

There was a novelty of doing it at that time, about literally braving Azeroth and finding shit, but today we have wikis with datamined content and that experience just can't be recreated even if you bring the old servers back.

Still, to people to miss those days… and actually PLAY it…

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

I tried TF2 competitive, stood in the queue for 20 minutes and never found a match.

Of course it's beta and means less people playing, but doesn't change I couldn't play it.

I been playing Enter the Gungeon and while I enjoy the music, the graphics and the idea, the ammount of bad weapons in the game means a succesful run is heavily RNG based. I'm sure there are some gaming pros out there who can't beat it with just the starting gun but the game is quickly running out of steam as I re-do the starting zones again and again.

My tip for people who do roguelike is the RNG should swing both ways, and a player would eventually get lucky and get a game winning combination which would carry him to victory.

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