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ru:gamer:nerf-now:2790 [2020/10/03 23:48]
Rainbow Spike
ru:gamer:nerf-now:2790 [2021/05/24 07:23] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
Строка 8: Строка 8:
 Honestly, the wood weapons always bothered me more, especially because you had wood armor and weapons which make pretty clear they just splash an element on a tier and moved on instead of pretending the wood weapons were training ones.\\ Honestly, the wood weapons always bothered me more, especially because you had wood armor and weapons which make pretty clear they just splash an element on a tier and moved on instead of pretending the wood weapons were training ones.\\
 Still, what bothers lots of people like wolves carrying gold for me is a metaphor of the adventures collecting the fur or meat and selling at a shop. Doesn'​t explain why they have an iron hammer inside them tho. Still, what bothers lots of people like wolves carrying gold for me is a metaphor of the adventures collecting the fur or meat and selling at a shop. Doesn'​t explain why they have an iron hammer inside them tho.