
Различия между двумя ревизиями данной страницы

Ссылка на это сравнение

ru:gamer:nerf-now:2634 [2019/09/24 03:21]
Rainbow Spike создано
ru:gamer:nerf-now:2634 [2021/05/24 07:28] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
Строка 9: Строка 9:
 Still, the update is good from what I've seen, and I can't bash on progress. This all said unless Valve create a time machine to give my time to play more games the new Steam Library won't solve my backlog problems. Still, the update is good from what I've seen, and I can't bash on progress. This all said unless Valve create a time machine to give my time to play more games the new Steam Library won't solve my backlog problems.