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ru:gamer:nerf-now:2086 [2018/04/28 15:54] внешнее изменение
ru:gamer:nerf-now:2086 [2019/03/09 04:00] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike Удаление лишних пробелов
Строка 1: Строка 1:
 == Nerf Now!! 2086 == == Nerf Now!! 2086 ==
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 {{2086.png}} {{2086.png}}
Строка 5: Строка 6:
 Disclaimer: I'm not a fan of games with bad, tragic ends. Sure, I can enjoy this (a bit) on books or movies but games take lots of time and effort. I want my reward in the end, thank you. Disclaimer: I'm not a fan of games with bad, tragic ends. Sure, I can enjoy this (a bit) on books or movies but games take lots of time and effort. I want my reward in the end, thank you.
-**Bastion and Transistor spoiler alert: ** At Bastion end, you can either be pick to be stuck in a time loop (the game restarts) or let the old world die. Hardly a glorious triumph but hey, I take it. Honestly, at the time I was just happy I figured the whole loop thing and went straight to the "fuck the world" end. Still, like I said,  hardly a huge success.+**Bastion and Transistor spoiler alert: ** At Bastion end, you can either be pick to be stuck in a time loop (the game restarts) or let the old world die. Hardly a glorious triumph but hey, I take it. Honestly, at the time I was just happy I figured the whole loop thing and went straight to the "fuck the world" end. Still, like I said, hardly a huge success.
 Still, I enjoyed the gameplay, art and narrative so I bought Transistor without thinking twice and lo and behold, the ending is even more bleak than Transistor. Still, I enjoyed the gameplay, art and narrative so I bought Transistor without thinking twice and lo and behold, the ending is even more bleak than Transistor.