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ru:gamer:nerf-now:1536 [2015/04/20 19:27]
Rainbow Spike создано
ru:gamer:nerf-now:1536 [2021/05/24 08:05] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-== Nerf Now 1536 ==+== Nerf Now!! 1536 == 
 {cnav} {cnav}
 {{1536.png}} {{1536.png}}
Строка 7: Строка 8:
 Salty! Salty!
-I was losing on both Hearthstone and Dota... until I decided to play Combo Druid (Hearthstone) and Lina (Dota2).+I was losing on both Hearthstone and Dota… until I decided to play Combo Druid (Hearthstone) and Lina (Dota2).
 Suddently, game is easy and fun and the enemy having half an HP bar is the same as being dead. Suddently, game is easy and fun and the enemy having half an HP bar is the same as being dead.
Строка 14: Строка 15:
 Also, [[https://​dl.dropboxusercontent.com/​u/​15508817/​FishWaifu%20%282%29.png|BONUS PIC]] Also, [[https://​dl.dropboxusercontent.com/​u/​15508817/​FishWaifu%20%282%29.png|BONUS PIC]]