Старая ревизия
Nerd Rage 0181 - 0190
Nerd Rage 0183
Nerd Rage 0184
Finally, the answer to the world's finest «who would win» matchup!
Wednesday Warner Bros. announced the upcoming Batman vs Superman movie would be titled Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Many are complaining about the heavyhanded foreshadowing that, yes, a Justice League movie is coming or that «Dawn of» should be banned from movie titles for being too generic. I'm more concerned about the decision to call it Batman v Superman instead of Batman vs Superman.
Nerd Rage 0185
E3 is coming. Thankfully some totally trustworthy anonymous sources are there to give us all previews.
Why wouldn't this be believable? This piece from Neogaf founds its way all over the web without any evidence it was real. Even Kotaku ran it, although they also ran a second article about why you shouldn't believe it.
Blurry, printed spreadsheets? Slightly-angled logos on screens photographed from cellphone cameras? These are all sources for information that are maybe a step up from your friend whose dad's friend's neighbor definitely works at Nintendo or a precognitive note you found inside a cookie.
But hey, E3 starts June 10th! All aboard the hype train. We've got Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire remakes confirmed, let's see if we can't get some news on Half-Life 3.
Nerd Rage 0186
Nerd Rage 0187
If you analyze Nintendo's release habits, a surprising pattern emerges.
This week's comic actually came up before Mario Maker was confirmed to be a real thing.
When all we had was a supposedly leaked photo my friend commented that it made sense if you looked at Nintendo's releases over the years they've gone from a focus in releasing new games, to releasing rehashes and old games, so the next obvious step would be to release a game that the player has to make themself.
I responded that it was more like they were adhering more and more to a development style advocated by their Wario Ware games.
Coming from someone who spent many hours in his childhood fiddling with Mario Paint and many more hours in his adult-hood fiddling with Little Big Planet, I think this new Mario Maker could be a lot of fun.
Nerd Rage 0188
Nerd Rage 0189
Know the difference. It could save your life.
Or at least your lunch?
With Taco Bell's announcement they've somehow found a way to combine quesadillas and burritos into one item, I can only hope one day Taco Bell's entire menu will be a combination of two different items that already used the same five ingredients.