Старая ревизия

Nerd Rage 0231 - 0240
Nerd Rage 0231


He's the best at what he does. Assuming it's intentional, anyway.

Nerd Rage 0232


Conventions are a great place to see costumes, take some interesting photos, endure embaressing moments that will stick with you forever….

Nerd Rage 0233


The key people behind cult classic 'Twin Peaks' have come together to warn Showtime what a Twin Peaks without David Lynch would really be like.

I'm still catching up this week after getting back from Chicago, but thank you everyone who made it out to C2E2! It was my first time working that show and it was a ton of fun. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see you guys again there next year!

Nerd Rage 0234


There's a lot of reasons to be excited about Disney Infinity 3.0, but there's only one that truly interests Elliott!

Nerd Rage 0235


Trouble is brewing at Konami, so management has called in an expert.

Nerd Rage 0236


Mario and his friends have an intricate process for finding the best go-kart courses.

Nerd Rage 0237


It's real technical stuff. You non-professionals wouldn't understand.

Nerd Rage 0238


Two terrible companies have been fighting to win ThinkGeek. Eat your heart out, Godwin.

Nerd Rage 0239


Creating a realistic E3 leak is as simple as following these three easy steps!

And if you haven't already, visit http://tane.us/nintendo/ to check out their Nintendo Digital Event leak generator!

Nerd Rage 0240


It's that time of year again. E3 2015 in a nutshell!

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