Старая ревизия
Nerd Rage 0211 - 0220
It's that time of year again. Time for another very special Nerd Rage pan-holiday festivity explosion™!
My gift to you this year is not drawing a comic. In lieu of productivity, I present a definitely-real manga I definitely got from Japan. It apparently lasted for all of three pages before cancellation (a record low, I'm told), so I should have enough to scanlate for the next two weeks.
Botanist's log: this alien planet has a bounty of giant fruit.
The juicing sequence at the end of each day in Pikmin is really satisfying to watch. There's just something about the way the liquid sloshes into the jar and the colors mix together. I'd have to imagine it's in the crew's best interest not to mix unknown juices if they plan to actually drink them, though…