RU / Старая ревизия

AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0571 - 0580



Entirely by coincidence, I assure you.


I strained my eyes for weeks trying to tell if there was actually any difference made in 90% of the amenity upgrades and guys I think Cyrus might not be good at his job

Pluck of the Draw

Kratos is good at puzzles.

One-Track Mind

Norrin wrote this comic. It is about destiny.


Hector please.


This is a comic about probability.

A Well-Oiled Machine

This is a comic about doing computer crimes.


That statue in Traverse Town is a memorial.

My new project is playing all the Kingdom Hearts games before Kingdom Hearts III comes out! I'd only ever played the first one back in the day, so I feel like I am righting a cosmic wrong. I hope you like Kingdom Hearts comics?!

Here I am undertaking risky business, by making a comic about the first game in a series with a legendarily weird and convoluted plot before finishing all of them. In a month or two, when I get to Kingdom Hearts: Final Re:Birthed 360/Noscope HD Mix 2 and learn that the Heartless are not mindless monsters but actually the reincarnated souls of the 101 Dalmatians, I will issue a retraction and apology.

Hare Today

You absolutely mayn't trust any animals.

An Axe to Mind

You don't get to be the god of war by not throwing weapons at all of your obstacles, boy.

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