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Awkward-zombie 0301 - 0310


A Berry Important Job

My favorite thing about villagers is how diligent and hardworking they are, even when being ripped apart by wolves and jaguars.

Mounting Tensions

Well who wants to keep their dumb old pegasus when you can trade it in for a BEAUTIFUL UNICOOOORN

BY THE WAY, I will be appearing at Senshi-Con in September in Alaska! What!! If you are a baby puffin or an albatross or another manner of arctic seabird, I would meet you there to high-five your adorable flipper.


I was told that the Harvest Moon I was familiar with was not indicative of the series as a whole, so a while ago I picked up Tale of Two Towns to see where the games had gone in the last ten years. It was better (anything would be better), but it fell into the same repetitiveness that afflicts sim games, especially the kind of sim games where relationships are built by performing the same minor action every day.

TEXAS FRIENDS: I am reminding you that I will be AT YOU for A-Kon next weekend! If you're not all wearing ten-gallon hats I'm going to be really disappointed, so get on that. I'll be in Artist's Alley all weekend and I'll be on some panels too so LOOK OUT FOR THOSE.

Classy (Часть 1)

The first time I played Awakening, I sort of tried to pair up and play my characters in ways I thought were cute or interesting. THE SECOND TIME, I have been playing on Lunatic mode and therefore trying to min-max everything and contort my mans into unstoppable killing machines. It doesn't make a lot of sense in-game-wise, but that was for the first alternate universe.

Thank you to everyone who came at me at A-Kon! We had an awesome time and YOU WERE ALL SO BEAUTIFUL

Classy (Часть 2)

Playing this game would be an incomplete experience without the life-destroying eugenics strategy. I always felt bad for whomever married Tharja, but they can get hexed into old age knowing their happiness was sacrificed for the greater good.

Connecticut friends: I will be at you for Connecticon again this year! That is in ONE MONTH, I hope you are prepared!

Farmer on the Dwell

I think the most egregious problem with Harvest Moon is how you can very easily accomplish all the game's goals within the first fifth of the allotted time, leaving absolutely nothing to do but the tedious daily tasks. It's almost as though…they didn't expect anyone to keep playing the game for that long?

Dual Scarred

Thank you for leaping into a pillar of flames for no reason, but I think the character six times your size probably doesn't need your guardianship.

…How did Virion get stabbed in the back if he leapt face-first into danger, you ask? Well, there's a rational LOOK A BEAR

Season Passes

I tend to mash buttons, which can quickly lead to mashing lives.

The Oracle series has been two of my favorite games for a long time, and they recently came out on the 3DS eShop! If you haven't played Oracle of Seasons or Oracle of Ages and you have a 3DS, I humbly suggest them.

Bee Seeing You

This comic was written by Terence Wiggins! What's up with that guy!!

The new Animal Crossing came out a few weeks ago! I thought I didn't care and then it turns out I care so much. So now I am back to being tethered to this game forever in fear that my villagers will resent me if I neglect them.

Hey, reminder that I'll be at Connecticon next weekend! It's in Connecticut! I will high-five you in Connecticut!

Transaction-Packed Adventure

In both Oracle installments, there are these huge fetch quests that span the entire length of the game. They're kind of cool but I always expect someone to ask for something that nobody else actually has and cause the whole chain to just collapse.

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