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ru:gamer:awkward-zombie:0704 [2021/03/25 16:35]
Rainbow Spike создано
ru:gamer:awkward-zombie:0704 [2021/05/24 10:16] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
Строка 6: Строка 6:
 {{tag>"​Outer Worlds"​}} {{tag>"​Outer Worlds"​}}
 I felt kind of bad for my little buddies, who were constantly running from my location to the enemy'​s location just in time for them to already be dead, but at least they got lots of exercise. I felt kind of bad for my little buddies, who were constantly running from my location to the enemy'​s location just in time for them to already be dead, but at least they got lots of exercise.