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ru:gamer:awkward-zombie:0342 [2019/01/30 20:08]
Rainbow Spike ↷ Страница перемещена из ru:gamer:awkward:0342 в ru:gamer:awkward-zombie:0342
ru:gamer:awkward-zombie:0342 [2021/05/24 10:28] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
Строка 1: Строка 1:
 == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0342 == == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0342 ==
 **Rules of Engagement** **Rules of Engagement**
 {cnav} {cnav}
 {{0342.png}} {{0342.png}}
 {{tag>"​Pokemon X/Y"}} {{tag>"​Pokemon X/Y"}}
-Norrin wrote this comic! It's about two gingers with weird hair. And the law.\\ \\ I feel kind of dumb drawing shiny Pokemon now that they'​re EASY MODE, but hey, there they are, they happened. +Norrin wrote this comic! It's about two gingers with weird hair. And the law. 
 +I feel kind of dumb drawing shiny Pokemon now that they'​re EASY MODE, but hey, there they are, they happened.