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ru:gamer:awkward-zombie:0188 [2019/01/30 20:08]
Rainbow Spike ↷ Страница перемещена из ru:gamer:awkward:0188 в ru:gamer:awkward-zombie:0188
ru:gamer:awkward-zombie:0188 [2021/05/24 10:33] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
Строка 1: Строка 1:
 == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0188 == == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0188 ==
 **Whirlybird** **Whirlybird**
 {cnav} {cnav}
 {{0188.png}} {{0188.png}}
 {{tag>"​Pokemon Diamond/​Pearl"​}} {{tag>"​Pokemon Diamond/​Pearl"​}}
-This comic was written by Omnithea of the forumites.\\ \\ I sat outside Nintendo World for seven hours on Saturday to get Pokemon half a day early. Worth it? //​[[http://​​pokes3.png|Absolutely.]]//​\\ \\ \\ You can watch this comic being drawn while my friends scream in the background [[http://​​recorded/​12631627|HERE]].\\ Streams seem to have become a weekly Saturday occurrence, so if you would like to see one PERFORMED LIVE JUST FOR YOU that is the time to check [[http://​​channel/​awkward-zombie|that channel]]. Or just stalk me on [[http://​​!/​katietiedrich|Twitter]] because that is where I announce that kind of thing when it happens. +This comic was written by Omnithea of the forumites. 
 +I sat outside Nintendo World for seven hours on Saturday to get Pokemon half a day early. Worth it? //​[[http://​​pokes3.png|Absolutely.]]//​ 
 +You can watch this comic being drawn while my friends scream in the background [[http://​​recorded/​12631627|HERE]]. Streams seem to have become a weekly Saturday occurrence, so if you would like to see one PERFORMED LIVE JUST FOR YOU that is the time to check [[http://​​channel/​awkward-zombie|that channel]]. Or just stalk me on [[http://​​!/​katietiedrich|Twitter]] because that is where I announce that kind of thing when it happens.