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ru:gamer:awkward-zombie:0006 [2015/08/24 09:04]
ru:gamer:awkward-zombie:0006 [2021/05/24 10:39] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
Строка 1: Строка 1:
 == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0006 == == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0006 ==
 **Новичок** **Новичок**
-"Он для заполнения квоты"​ - вероятно в компании должен работать иммигрант,​ иначе дискриминация и бла-бла-бла. Лучше бы в наклейках для начала перевод выложить,​ а потом по нему заниматься врисовкой. Да и цвета подобрать,​ а то тяжело читать. ([[user>​plBots]]) 
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 +== Фотошоп ==
 +{{tag>"​Super Smash Bros: Melee"​}}
 +"Он для заполнения квоты"​ – вероятно в компании должен работать иммигрант,​ иначе дискриминация и бла-бла-бла. Лучше бы в наклейках для начала перевод выложить,​ а потом по нему заниматься врисовкой. Да и цвета подобрать,​ а то тяжело читать. ([[user>​plBots]])
 +Alot of people ask me whether or not I'll discontinue Melee-themed comics in exchange of newer, Brawlier fodder. At this point, the answer is //​probably//​ yes, but I'm still tentative.\\
 +My main qualm over it is the characters. If there are too many new fighters introduced and there ends up being like fifty characters to choose from, I know I'd only end up drawing like half of them…and I'm already bad with cycling characters. Conversely, a new terror has been mentioned: so says Masahiro Sakurai, SSB's main director man, there is the //​possibility//​ that not all Melee characters will be making a return for Brawl. As far as //which// characters would be booted out is still unknown, though fans have made up their own lists–unfortunately,​ on the top of everyone'​s seems to be Roy. "​He'​s just a bad Marth clone!"​\\
 +"He was only included as an advertisement for FE6!"​\\
 +"​He'​s not strong enough!"​\\
 +"​He'​s //​Japanese!//"​\\
 +Naturally, such an idea //shakes me to my very core,// 'cause I sometimes like to fight using Roy on some Melee occasions… Oh, yeah, and because of the whole comic thing. Oh, the woes of using someone else's characters to make a profit! Anyway, if any of my favorite characters to make fun of are left out, I just don't know what I'll do. The best thing is to just wait for the game to come out so I can decide then, so shut up and stop asking me. However…I thought Pit's character model looked remarkably like Roy's. Maybe it's because he's short.\\
 +So, as I am most certainly late to inform you, [[http://​video.google.com/​videoplay?​docid=19640938207392314&​q=smash+brawl&​hl=en|new Brawl trailer-thing!]] Mostly gameplay, good stuff. The thing that captured my interest is that Fox is back, yay! (Like there was any chance that he //​wouldn'​t//​ return, but any news is good news.) The fan reaction to McCloud'​s appearance here is kinda funny. People were complaining because he doesn'​t holster his blaster after using it (apparently),​ his new retarded shoes look so heavy that they will "​probably slow him down so he's not a fast character anymore",​ //he's not furry enough,// and, ofcourse, everybody gets mad when they think he's wearing a variant of the StarFox Command getup. (I'm looking at //you,// Scott.) You people…Command just recycled Fox's traditional green jumpsuit-and-beige flakjacket statement. You know, the clothes he's //always// worn. Except in Assault. But nobody likes that game anyway. What //​I'​m//​ bothered by is the fact that **//they switched his microphone to the other side of his head.//** That's going to give me a tumor, but I could care less about his clothes. The boots…the boots I'm not too keen on, though.