Редактирование Отредактируйте страницу и нажмите Сохранить. Помощь, ПЕСОЧНИЦА Выбор медиафайла == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0005 == **Это было просто** {cnav} {{0005.png}} == Фотошоп == {{0005-r.jpg}} Небольшая справка: автор комикса Katie Tiedrich покупает канцелярию от производителя, который помечает коробки с подобной продукцией просто как скрепки, и именно это она ненавидит больше всего.\\ [[enw>Staples Inc.]] (по-русски "Скрепки") - сеть магазинов. В стрипе их логотип, название – их лозунг. Рекомендую к прочтению статью на вики – стрип гораздо глубже, чем кажется на первый взгляд. ([[user>plBots]]) I guess I should explain something right away, for those unfortunate enough not to know:\\ Staples is a chain outlet for office supplies and other miscellaneous wares. They've got all sorts of crap, and they're a good store. Apparently they do not exist everywhere, however, and I would not want some poor fool to be at a disadvantage while in the process of viewing this image. So now you know.\\ But anyway, happy November, you freaks. So sorry to have not done anything for a few weeks (\\ and after just coming off hiatus/lazy, too), but I was working on a contest entry for something–a Flash animation, no less. Stick around, I'll probably post it in a few days. But not now, because I'm building suspense.\\ But okay, I'm back in comic mode now. Back to regular updates now, or however close to that I can manage. Also this comic was rushed and I am sorry. //Deeply.//\\ Oh, and I guess happy late Halloween to anyone who hasn't already forgot it happened. My chemistry teacher suggested I go as a Staples store, because of my red-and-paperclip Hat. But it reminded me of a story! A story, infact, that is true.\\ There are alot of store-brand products at Staples–that means the company itself creates them and sells them directly. They are of decent quality and I buy them, but //every box looks the same.// They're all about the same size, with the little red "STAPLES" label…and while most wares are distinguishable from eachother, it somehow makes it impossible for you to find actual staples. Продолжить редактирование после сохранения Имя этого сайта на английском, маленькие буквы Пожалуйста, оставьте это поле пустым:Сохранить Просмотр Отменить Сводка изменений Примечание: редактируя эту страницу, вы соглашаетесь на использование своего вклада на условиях следующей лицензии: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International