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Sandra and Woo 0601 - 0610
Sandra and Woo 0601

New School Uniforms

Sandra and Woo 0602

Career Opportunities

Sandra and Woo 0603


Sandra and Woo 0604

Larisa Humane Society

Sandra and Woo 0605

Teenage Pregnancy

Sandra and Woo 0606

The Ideal World

There is an alternative version of this strip which shows Sandra's world map as it was originally drawn by Powree. The different shapes of the continents certainly give it a more realistic look, but I rather wanted something that looks like an engineer drew it. Therefore, I created a new map which is supposed to represent an earth-like world with optimal living conditions for a wide range of species.

I think Sandras drawing raises a lot of interesting questions how an “ideal” world for humans and animals would look like. If you think about it, earths continents certainly dont have the perfect shape. But is there enough water in Sandras world to make the climate pleasant in summer and winter? How diverse would the flora and fauna be on the 18 continents resp. 3 super continents? What would be the significance of the land bridges? Would the climate zones indeed follow such a rigid pattern?

Maybe theres a biologist or geologist among our readers who can give us some insight in the comment section.

I had several ideas for the teachers dialog in the last panel. I liked this one the most. If you have a funny idea yourself, I would love to see it (in the comment section).

Sandra and Woo 0607

Peeping Tom

Sandra and Woo 0608

Nature > Animals > Wildlife > Mammals > Predators

Sandra and Woo 0609

Incomplete Plan

Sandra and Woo 0610


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