RU / Старая ревизия

Sandra and Woo 1011 - 1020

Sandra and Woo 1011

The Truth Hurts

Our yearly Gaia artwork contest has started! The Sandra and Woo artwork contest will follow later this year. The prize money for the Gaia artwork contest is $750! So don't miss your chance to become one of the winners!

Dangerous Weapon

Our yearly Gaia artwork contest has started! The Sandra and Woo artwork contest will follow later this year. The prize money for the Gaia artwork contest is $750! So don't miss your chance to become one of the winners!

Break A Leg!

Our yearly Gaia artwork contest will end next week! The Sandra and Woo artwork contest will follow later this year. The prize money for the Gaia artwork contest is $750! So don't miss your chance to become one of the winners!



World-Class Save

Letter Of Complaint

I have posted the submissions placed 13 or lower of this year's Gaia artwork contest:

Zoey Volley

I have posted the top 12 of the //Gaia// artwork contest:

Update [3 September 2018]: I added a caption to the last panel so that it's easier to understand what is going on.

There's Always A Bigger Spider In The Pond

I have posted the top 12 of the //Gaia// artwork contest:

For The Good Of Mankind

Is it blasphemous to make Ganesha go “Toot”?

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