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ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0536 [2013/12/13 08:51]
Rainbow Spike создано
ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0536 [2021/05/18 06:36] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike Удаление вторых навигаторов
Строка 1: Строка 1:
 == Sandra and Woo 0536 == == Sandra and Woo 0536 ==
 **Approaching Light Speed** **Approaching Light Speed**
 {cnav} {cnav}
-{{0536.png}} +{{aimg>0536.png}} 
-        ​Pollux:​ That’s the way to the VIR areaby the way. +@35,24,159,58
-        Lily: VIR area?+
-        Pollux: The meeting place for all raccoons that have ever been visited by Seeoahtlahmakaskay. +~ 
-        Lily: I dunnoWoo. That sounds so… “elitist.”+@108,162,126,29
-        Pollux: You must love it to be the center of attention then, huh? +~ 
-        ​Castor:​ Yeah… Polluxwe’d better make our exit before they’re spotted and we get almost crushed to death by the masses. +@8,331,222,85
-        Lily: !!!+
-        Pollux: W–+
-        Woo: Could youmaybeslow down a little? +
-        Lily: Raccoons accelerated to the speed of light are practically invisible!+@6,590,238,54
 +<​!--Pollux:​ That’s the way to the VIR area, by the way.
 +Lily: VIR area?
 +Pollux: The meeting place for all raccoons that have ever been visited by Seeoahtlahmakaskay.
 +Lily: I dunno, Woo. That sounds so… “elitist.”
 +Pollux: You must love it to be the center of attention then, huh?
 +Castor: Yeah… Pollux, we’d better make our exit before they’re spotted and we get almost crushed to death by the masses.
 +Lily: !!!
 +Pollux: W–
 +Woo: Could you, maybe, slow down a little?
 +Lily: Raccoons accelerated to the speed of light are practically invisible!-->​
 {{tag>​Кастор Лили Поллукс енот Сииоатламэкэскэй Ву}} {{tag>​Кастор Лили Поллукс енот Сииоатламэкэскэй Ву}}