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Старая ревизия

Sandra and Woo 0531

The Special One (Climbing Route)


Woo: Butterfly is a raccoon. And she climbs. Better than any raccoon before! Last year she discovered a new route near Beech Valley, The Special One. Now she wants to send it.

Woo: The lower part of the route consists of a toppled beech tree whose mighty trunk is even smoother than that of the infamous Professor! Woo: The upper part consists of an exhausting cliff face. It seems to require moves impossible for any animal smaller than a human! Woo: But the crux is the jump from the tree to the cliff. The climber has to turn around mid-air and get hold of a hole that's smaller than a keyhole with his claw! Squirrels had a try at this jump and failed!

Sandra: Wow, that sounds impressive! Woo: Yes. It's as if a human were to… hmm…

Woo: … calculate all possible moves in chess!

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