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ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0439 [2013/10/17 13:39] внешнее изменение
ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0439 [2021/05/18 06:36] (текущий)
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-====== Sandra and Woo 0439 ======+== Sandra and Woo 0439 ==
 **Manifesto Of The Generation WWW** **Manifesto Of The Generation WWW**
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-{{0439.png}} +{{aimg>0439.png}} 
 +<​!--Richard:​ Oh no! “Harry’s Hardware Talk” has been taken offline! 
 +Sandra: Did you visit the site often? 
 +Richard: Not anymore. Harry stopped updating it in 2005, so the forums died a slow death as well. But back in the day, I even wrote a few articles for the site. 
 +Sandra: So it’s just nostalgia?​ 
 +Richard: Just nostalgia? Harry’s website is a significant part of the history of the internet! 
 +Richard: Back in the 90’s, the WWW was a blank canvas. It was enthusiasts like Harry who gave the painting color and form, and they received no stock options for it! 
 +Richard: We were part of something that would become the biggest invention in the history of mankind. It still feels like a miracle how fast everything happened. 
 +Richard: But without great websites like Harry’s, the WWW would never have caught on like that! 
 +Sandra: You’re probably right. Sorry for your loss… 
 +Richard: Plus, who could ever forget that glorious day in the summer of ’99 when Mary123 posted her naked pictures?​-->​ 
 +{{tag>​интернет Ричард Сандра}}