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ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0365 [2013/10/17 13:39] внешнее изменение
ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0365 [2021/05/18 06:03] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike Удаление вторых навигаторов
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-====== Sandra and Woo 0365 ======+== Sandra and Woo 0365 ==
 **Disgrace To The Species** **Disgrace To The Species**
 {cnav} {cnav}
-{{0365.png}} +{{aimg>0365.png}} 
 +<​!--Amadeus:​ Just look at yourself! You’re digging through the trash for food like a rat. Be glad that your kits can’t see you now. 
 +Amadeus: Is a half-eaten pizza more important to you than your honor? Don’t you care that you bring shame to all canids? 
 +Woman: Come, Amadeus, we have to be at the dog groomer in ten minutes. 
 +Shadow: I’d appreciate the irony more if it came with a half-eaten pizza.-->​ 
 +{{tag>​amadeus ЕДА poodle Тень}}