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ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0353 [2013/11/13 16:21]
Rainbow Spike
ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0353 [2021/05/18 06:03] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike Удаление вторых навигаторов
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-====== Sandra and Woo 0353 ======+== Sandra and Woo 0353 ==
 **Typical Business Practices Of Internet Providers** **Typical Business Practices Of Internet Providers**
 {cnav} {cnav}
 {{aimg>​0353.png}} {{aimg>​0353.png}}
 @6,6,313,48 @6,6,313,48
- +
 ~ ~
 @55,​44,​292,​76 @55,​44,​292,​76
- +
 ~ ~
 @6,​355,​239,​44 @6,​355,​239,​44
- +
 ~ ~
 @11,​596,​45,​35 @11,​596,​45,​35
- +
 ~ ~
 @53,​380,​251,​67 @53,​380,​251,​67
- +
 ~ ~
 @6,​660,​239,​44 @6,​660,​239,​44
- +
 ~ ~
 @51,​801,​110,​45 @51,​801,​110,​45
- +
 ~ ~
 {{<​aimg}} {{<​aimg}}
-{cnav}+<​!--Richard:​ I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to request my first-born daughter as payment for an internet connection. 
 +Armin Fish: It’s true that several lawsuits are pending in this matter. But we’ve won two of three trials and it’ll take several years until one of them reaches the Supreme Court. 
 +Richard: What are you doing with all these first-borns anyway? 
 +Armin Fish: Well, the fat and the scrawny are sent to do forced labor in North Korean coal mines or our call centers. 
 +Armin Fish: But for such a well-nourished calf, we have a much better use. 
 +Richard: Sandra, go to your room! 
 +Sandra: ?--> 
 +{{tag>​Армин_Фиш Ричард Сандра Ву}}