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ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0200 [2013/11/23 10:51] внешнее изменение
ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0200 [2021/05/18 06:02] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike Удаление вторых навигаторов
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-====== Sandra and Woo 0200 ======+== Sandra and Woo 0200 ==
 **Excuses A Plus** **Excuses A Plus**
 {cnav} {cnav}
 {{aimg>​0200.png}} {{aimg>​0200.png}}
-@6,​75,​115,​40 +@5,​75,​115,​40 
- +Биология
 ~ ~
 @399,​355,​115,​40 @399,​355,​115,​40
- +Математика
 ~ ~
 @399,​74,​115,​40 @399,​74,​115,​40
- +История
 ~ ~
-@8,​638,​115,​40 +@5,​638,​115,​40 
- +Английский
 ~ ~
 @5,​355,​115,​40 @5,​355,​115,​40
- +География
 ~ ~
 @55,​88,​198,​64 @55,​88,​198,​64
- +
 ~ ~
 @126,​161,​179,​118 @126,​161,​179,​118
- +
 ~ ~
 @36,​374,​239,​143 @36,​374,​239,​143
- +
 ~ ~
 @75,​650,​248,​93 @75,​650,​248,​93
- +
 ~ ~
 @449,​91,​244,​130 @449,​91,​244,​130
- +
 ~ ~
 @444,​384,​229,​102 @444,​384,​229,​102
- +
 ~ ~
 @462,​666,​204,​104 @462,​666,​204,​104
- +
 ~ ~
 @571,​649,​94,​20 @571,​649,​94,​20
- +Психолог
 ~ ~
 {{<​aimg}} {{<​aimg}}
 +<​!--Caption:​ Biology
 +Teacher: Why didn’t you do your homework, Larisa?
 +Larisa: I did, but my father ate it. As part of his performance art project “JUST EAT IT!”
 +Caption: Geography
 +Larisa: I’m sorry, but the government of Malta has prohibited the release of my homework since it contains information that threatens the national security of the country.
 +Caption: English
 +Larisa: You see, we’re currently fixing up our house and my homework got sealed in somehow while\\ repapering my room.
 +Caption: History
 +Larisa: I didn’t have the time to do it since I had to help the NSA with the test of their latest project. It’s based on super-secret tracking technology and waffles.
 +Caption: Math
 +Larisa: Liar!! You said I’d never have to do homework again if I kept our affair a secret!
 +Larisa: I know what you’re thinking, but one of my excuses was actually true!-->
 {{tag>​Лариса школа}} {{tag>​Лариса школа}}