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ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0043 [2013/10/17 13:39] внешнее изменение
ru:furry:sandra-and-woo:0043 [2021/05/18 05:40] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike Удаление вторых навигаторов
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-====== Sandra and Woo 0043 ======+== Sandra and Woo 0043 ==
 **The Rose Is A Bullet…** **The Rose Is A Bullet…**
 {cnav} {cnav}
-{{0043.png}} +{{aimg>0043.png}} 
 +<​!--Woman:​ You can count yourself lucky that you have not yet had to experience the brutal persecution of exotic pet owners in our society. 
 +Sandra: Say what? 
 +Woman: It’s true! Just yesterday, the neighbor of my tiger pen called me a “crazy cat lady”. Can you believe it?! 
 +Caption: Meanwhile at 20°47?N, 97°02?E. 
 +Military officer: That’s what you get for opposing our discipline-flourishing democracy.-->​ 
 +{{tag>​Бирма экзотические_питомцы леопардовая_кошка политика Сандра}}