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ru:furry:digger-vernon:0216 [2019/01/30 19:22] ↷ Операцией перемещения обновлены ссылки
ru:furry:digger-vernon:0216 [2021/05/25 08:48] (текущий)
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacerD 2021.05.25 / AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
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 == Digger 0216 == == Digger 0216 ==
 **Глава 10** **Глава 10**
-Arguably, this could have involved any species of bird Ц maybe not penguins or moas, probably not kiwis, but any of the reasonably symbolic birds Ц but I'm a sucker for kingfishers. There'​s quite a large Haida kingfisher tattooed across my right upper arm, which was arguably one of the most painful four hours of my life, and totally worth it.  
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 +Arguably, this could have involved any species of bird Ц maybe not penguins or moas, probably not kiwis, but any of the reasonably symbolic birds Ц but I'm a sucker for kingfishers. There'​s quite a large Haida kingfisher tattooed across my right upper arm, which was arguably one of the most painful four hours of my life, and totally worth it.