Эта старая версия была заменена новой проверенной версией !
Эта версия является непроверенным черновиком! (последняя правка: 2015/03/18 19:36 от Anonimous)
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RU / Старая ревизия
Catena Cafe 0032
Of course she can rappel
Spray marking.
Well, he is a cat.
We'll start with black and white again and see what happens from there. After everyone has fully reassembled we can talk about the future of Catena.
For now let's enjoy the gag!
Of course Ivy can rappel. Blind cats can do anything.
The comic will updated every Monday from here on out. If we miss a Monday it's because somebody got sick (no whammy, no whammy, no whammy)….