Mengedit Sunting halaman dan kemudian klik Simpan. Bantuan, TAMAN BERMAIN Pilihan Mediafile FIXME **Halaman Ini tidak sepenuhnya diterjemahkan, namun. Mohon bantuan menyelesaikan terjemahan.**\\ //(hapus paragraf ini setelah terjemahan selesai)// == Nerf Now!! 2634 == {cnav} {{2634.png}} My real complain with the Steam Library is it's sometimes very slow and its browser is bad. Outside that I really don't care about collections, groups or whatever. I just want a list with my games on it. Perhaps I'll create a category called "dumpster" to put games I know I'll never play but that's about it. Still, the update is good from what I've seen, and I can't bash on progress. This all said unless Valve create a time machine to give my time to play more games the new Steam Library won't solve my backlog problems. Melanjutkan editing setelah menyimpan Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Simpan Просмотр Batal Сводка изменений Catatan: Dengan menyunting halaman ini, Anda setuju untuk melisensikan konten Anda dibawah lisensi berikut: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International