Mengedit Sunting halaman dan kemudian klik Simpan. Bantuan, TAMAN BERMAIN Pilihan Mediafile FIXME **Halaman Ini tidak sepenuhnya diterjemahkan, namun. Mohon bantuan menyelesaikan terjemahan.**\\ //(hapus paragraf ini setelah terjemahan selesai)// == Sandra and Woo 0988 == **Sharing Is Caring** {cnav} {{0988.png}} <!-- Larisa: All right, Luna, now you have to decide who should become your new boyfriend. Boy #1: I’m district champion in tennis. Boy #2: I won a talent show with my magic tricks. Boy #3: I’m a squad leader in the boy scouts. Luna: Ohmygod ohmygod… they’re all so cute!! I want, I want… Luna: … All three of them! Larisa: Luna! That’s not how it works! Boy #1: That’s all right. Boy #2: I’m fine with it. Boy #3: Sharing is caring. Luna: I think it worked very well! Boy #2: Do you go swimming a lot? --> {{tag>larisa love luna}} Melanjutkan editing setelah menyimpan Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Simpan Просмотр Batal Сводка изменений Catatan: Dengan menyunting halaman ini, Anda setuju untuk melisensikan konten Anda dibawah lisensi berikut: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International